Total Privacy wrote:
> Thank you very much, that will do the trick I think, but still; have to 
> get an email accout somewhere to put into it, to serv. 
> Then to use my standard ISP supplied account would spoil the idea with 
> anonymity and Tor usage, so the second trick will be to find an very 
> best to use free account for Thunderbird, upsignable without javascript 
> and cookies (the reason for not wanna have these, are the j thing may 
> do to much, and the c thing may collect the "Computer Name", I think). 
>> portable thunderbird with tor - i believe someone has bundled them now,
>> but you can use torpark and set thunderbird to use the proxy and always
>> launch it after tor and close it before torpark, and install enigmail
>> into the portable thunderbird. i've done this, it's pretty easy really
That would be a very minimalistic webmail.
Also, isn't email blocked by tor?
They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security,
 deserve neither liberty or security
--Benjamin Franklin

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