On Nov 12, 2007 12:13 PM, linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Timing attacs can be done only with accurate data.
> What if my server has a wrong time or its clock is changing speed randomly
> or ...
> I think some more clever people then me will come up with an idea soon.
> I am sure tor developers will soon improve tor. We should of course do a lot
> in fighting this law but we should do more in improving tor.
> Promote tor or the idea of anonymous web access in universities. Why should it
> not be "cool" to make a masters degree in improving anonymity?
> Why not create a "overnet" where your IP address is only seen when you log in
> to the "overnet" but what you do inside is hidden.
> I have big hope in the smart guys and girls around us :) (I do not talk about
> the a***oles in the government)
> Gruesse

The Overnet idea seems a tad silly.  If connections in between servers
need to be logged, I do not think the requirement of logging would
change were the connections to be for the Overnet or for the Internet.

And I honestly do not see a problem with engaging in illegal
activities to ensure the anonymity of Tor users.  What the government
is doing is illegal by any decent rational standards, and it will
[hopefully] never come to the level of abuse against us that Ghandi
and other active peaceful resistors were subjected to in order to
achieve their ends, so it is unlikely that standing on the sidelines
and shouting that more people need to join Tor will accomplish much.


Kasimir Gabert

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