Camilo Viecco wrote:
7v5w7go9ub0o wrote:
What a great idea!

Thank you for working on this!! And thanks to Google for supporting this project.

Sadly, I get a clean linux compilation, but no extra tab. Is there an additional dependency? e.g. geoip?


gcc-3.4.6, glibc-2.6.1
There are no other dependencies expect a recent version of tor.
Maybe is a terminology issue. Check if on the 'settings' page you find a button named 'Node Policy'. If you find it click on it and enable 'Enable Vidalia Relay Policy Management', then enable 'Strict Exit Relay Management'
You should be set.

Let me know of you have more problems


Thanks for replying!   Still no success.

I tried both the posted source, and the svn.

Could there be some outdated source code at both places?

The top line of the changelog looks like this; no mention of exit-country:

0.1.8   xx-xxx-2008
o Reduce the default number of messages to retain in the message log to 50 messages. Most people never look at the window and the extra 200 messages
    just needlessly eat memory.

0.1.7   02-Aug-2008
  o Handle spaces in the Tor version number we get from 'getinfo version'
    since Tor has included svn revision numbers in its response (e.g.
    " (r12345)") for a while now.


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