On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 05:37:26PM +0530, emigrant wrote:
> i am using the pidgin with ubuntu. and i installed TOR as well.
> i want to set up TOR to one of the yahoo accounts in pidgin.
> so i went to proxy settings and changed the gnome proxy setttings into
> socks5 and host and port 9050.
> but each time i restart pidgin the yahoo account wont' start. i think
> its may be due to yahoo email is opened?

As it says on the second part of 
if you want Pidgin to work with a specific account,
go to Accounts (in Pidgin) and modify the proxy settings there.
The GNOME proxy settings will not work for this.

The screen capture on that wiki page is out of date -
i am uploading a new one now.

Also, the link you quoted in your other message is out of date -
we do not use the wiki on noreply.org anymore.
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