On 28/10/10 00:41, Joe Btfsplk wrote:
On 10/27/2010 2:35 PM, krishna e bera wrote:
The bad advice may be a misinterpretation or poor rephrasing
of this advice in the Tor FAQ Wiki:
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Isn't the linked article kinda out dated? It's still talking about Privoxy. I'm no expert, but I don't follow the article, as relates to Tor / Polipo / Torbutton now.

I am sure that Roger Dingledine's comment explains some of the errors and is based on the difference between Privoxy and Polipo when dealing with HTTPS. However, a) the information is still on the web; b) if you go to http://ht4w.co.uk/ you will see that the Introduction is dated 23 January 2010 which implies the information is up-to-date; c) a neophyte would not necessarily understand the most recent incarnations of Tor / Polipo / TorButton.

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