Roger Dingledine wrote:

This is interesting. I tried it.. and both seem to work for me on my on win2k.

But.. when I tried - WarnUnsafeSocks 0

I get..

Nov 25 17:50:03.015 [Warning] Failed to parse/validate config: Unknown option 'WarnUnsafeSocks'. Failing.
Nov 25 17:50:03.015 [Error] Reading config failed--see warnings above.

Tor then bombs out..

WarnUnsafeSocks was introduced in Tor


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Wow, there seems to be some sort of error, I thought (as per usual development practice) that as "The current stable version of Tor is" then my "" would contain the code up to and after "" (had been stable enough - as its normal development practice for a "stable" to be a "stable", a field tested, alpha build - with the same version number).

So if Tor is using usual development practice then why does the stable version manual ( have "*WarnUnsafeSocks" in it if there has been no stable build since it was introduced in * ?

Also , I notice the manuals do not have deprecated commands in it any more (even if they are still supported). It might be wise to add these old commands particularly if they are still supported and give versions when they were deprecated/removed and versions when new ones were introduced. It shouldn't be too onerous. After all the manuals are going to be used by people who have different versions. It would then be possible to have just one manual covering ALL Tor versions, stable and dev.


StrictExitNodes 0|1

(Added v?.?.?.?-alpha and v?.?.?.?-stable,
Deprecated v0.2.2.7-alpha and v?.?.?.?-stable, Removed v0.?.?.?-alpha etc - see 
replacement command StrictNodes)

Blah.. blah .. blah

Then we only have to check the ONE manual and all will be clear!
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