Moritz Bartl <> wrote:

> > ok... since this mailing list is not able to give at least some tips
> > for running a tor exit node except:
> What do you want to know exactly? In many countries, running an
> anonymizing service is definitely not illegal. Many exit operators run
> into trouble with their ISP, because they are too easily scared by DMCA
> complaints and the like. This is especially true for an exit policy that
> allows arbitrary ports, as your ISP will be flooded with mails from
> BayTSP/MediaSentry. That's why we have compiled a list of well-known
> ports. [1]
> You should find an ISP who explicitly allows you to run a Tor exit, and
> if you want you can start with an open exit policy. If your ISP
> complaints and wants to shut you down later, you can switch to the
> reduced exit policy. Or, you can allow exiting only to a few ports. It's
> your decision.
> Try to convince your ISP to SWIP the IP range and attach your personal
> abuse handle. Example:
> Most complaints you will have to deal with can be easily solved by
> telling them about Tor. In extreme cases, the police might come knocking
> to your door or even try to seize your equipment, but I am only aware of
> a single case in Germany where that happened some years ago.

Some of my equipment got seized a few months ago.

I'm also not sure how the police would try to seize equipment
and fail (assuming the equipment is actually there). Getting a
warrant seems to be pretty easy as long as you don't mention
that the IP address in question belongs to a known Tor server.


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