Ok i know i'm doing something wrong here in working with external proc listener as i can even get the stupid demo to work right.
here is my listener.ora
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC) (KEY = extproc))

    (SID_DESC =                
     (SID_NAME = plsextproc)
     (ORACLE_HOME = /u151/oracle/product/8.1.7)
on startup i get this(which lends me to believe i've got something messed up):
<all of the standard listener stuff> and
Listener Trace File       /u151/oracle/product/8.1.7/network/log/listener_extproc.trc
The listener supports no services
The command completed successfully

So what am i missing, i've RTFM, metalink, used what I thought were good examples from multiple places, yet when running the demo in $ORACLE_HOME/plsql/demo, i still get the ORA-28575 error.
thanks, joe

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