It looks like you have a partitioned table with
a parallel or parallel index definition.

The :Qxxxxyyy are the 'table queues' used
by parallel query slaves to pass messages
between the layers of slaves operating the

The SQL with the hints in it is the SQL
generated by the query co-ordinator as
it breaks down your original query for
parallel execution.

I don't think that tkprof makes a very neat
(or complete) job of presenting such query
plans, but it is quite hard to do anything good
when they get complex.  I tend to run my
own 'explain plan' script (see the website
noted below) to split the parallel query SQL
from the rest of the plan as this tends to
make things a little cleaner.

Jonathan Lewis

Host to The Co-Operative Oracle Users' FAQ

Author of:
Practical Oracle 8i: Building Efficient Databases

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-----Original Message-----
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 27 August 2001 19:22

|I am running tkprof and explain plan on the following SQL statement:
|FROM whse_dbo.ACH_TRAN
|WHERE ACCT_NO = '46807' AND
|        STATUS = '2' AND
|        CNFR_NO >0 AND
|        (SPLT_PAY_TYPE = '810' OR
|        SPLT_PAY_TYPE = '820' );
|I'm not really looking for advice on tuning this query but rather
|wanted to have some general questions answered regarding the
|results i got using tkprof.
|This is the first time I've ever run tkprof on a statement and gotten
|an explain plan with :Q in it (followed by numbers).  What does the
|:Q mean?
|Also, there is not hint embedded in the select statement I ran but
|the explain plan output shows hints in the explain plan.  Or at least
|the explain plan list the output in hint format.   Why is it doing
|when there were no hints in the original source?
|Thanks in advance,
|Cherie Machler
|Oracle DBA
|Gelco Information Network

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