I have  this sql query. I am wondering why this query takes so long time, Do I need 
more conditions to make it run, or it it just that this query take so long time to 
run? Anything wrong with the query?

Please help me with this.

 SELECT distinct PBK.VARUKORGEANREL_ULAG.ean, 0, 0, 0, rik2.vare.varenavn, 
rik2.vare.str, PBK.VARUKORGEANREL_ULAG.lagstapris, rik2.vare.hylletxt2, 
rik2.art_hierarki.vgrp, rik2.hierarki_tekst.tekst, '0', '0', 0, pbk.underlag.period,
         FROM PBK.UNDERLAG, PBK.VARUKORGEANREL_ULAG, rik2.vare, rik2.hierarki_tekst, 
rik2.art_hierarki, pbk.sortiment_vgrp
         WHERE PBK.underlag.underlagid=1100
         AND PBK.underlag.varukorgid=PBK.varukorgeanrel_ulag.varukorgid
         AND PBK.VARUKORGEANREL_ulag.varutyp=0;

Thanks in advance


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