On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 10:55 PM, Mark Burger <markdavidbur...@me.com> wrote:

> Ladies and Gentlemen:
> If Miyuki Kawamura is a reader of this list, or if a reader knows how I
> might get in touch with Miyuki,  I would most appreciate they contact me. I
> would like to seek permission to teach how to fold one of Miyuki’s elegant
> models.
> Thank you,
> Mark Burger
I'm adding Miyuki Kawamura on Bcc for her attention.

I did want to mention that when I corresponded with Kawamura-san regarding
making a video of one of her models, she preferred for me *not* to do so.
But this was two years ago, so she might have changed her mind. Perhaps she
will answer.

Miyuki-san, I'll also gladly pass on a message in case you prefer not to
share your email address with others. I hope you are well. Your work
continues to be an absolute joy!

Best wishes and happy folding,

-- Sara

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