On Sep 30, 2017, at 1:41 PM, Sunil Dhavalikar <sunil.ku...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In my opinion, 3D origami is nothing but a construction technique (…)
> It looses the essence of the basic principles of Origami.

On Sep 28, 2017, at 11:48 PM, Robert J. Lang <rob...@langorigami.com> wrote:

>  In Golden Venture unit modular origami, the importance of folding in the 
> overall result seems somewhat diminished relative to the role of folding in 
> other forms of origami, 

> Thus spake "Origami on behalf of Lorenzo Lucioni" 
> <origami-boun...@lists.digitalorigami.com on behalf of orig...@lucioni.it> on 
> 9/28/17, 9:06 AM:

> I’ve searched the list about this topic but no relevant results came up.
> I'd like to know what do you think about it.
> Lorenzo

That explains my instinctive rejection to Golden Venture modeling. However, why 
is that kusudama and other modular construction like the so-called wire frames 
are so well and widely accepted amongst origami paperfolders -orthodox 
paperfolders included ;) ? 

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