I'm forwarding an e-mail Jan Polish posted on the Olist.

Please keep Mark in your prayers,

Faye Goldman


Many of you know and love Mark Kennedy, who has traveled the world sharing
his huge heart, his love of origami, and his love of people. Now Mark is
fighting cancer - he has a large tumor in his throat that seems resistant to
radiation and chemo. He may be undergoing surgery in the near future, but he
and his wife Arlene are trying to be optimistic.


Would you like to tell Mark how much he has meant to you? Take a photo of
yourself with one of his pins, or a model he taught you, or a crane, and
send it with a message to photosformark2...@gmail.com
<mailto:photosformark2...@gmail.com> . I spoke with him via Arlene this
morning, and he's very excited to hear from his friends.


Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers, and please share this message.


Regards, Jan Polish


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