Thus spake "Origami on behalf of Meenakshi Mukerji" 
< on behalf of> on 
3/19/18, 4:19 PM:

    ...The Sonobe type onstructions in no way satisfy the criteria for a 
stellated solid (
    But then, I haven't found a good name for those Sonobe solids. How about 
pyramidized octahedron or icosahedron?

In 1509, Luca Pacioli and Leonardo da Vinci put together a book, "La Divina 
Proportione," in which they introduced the concept of erecting a pyramid on 
each face of a polyhedron (which is what is effectively happening in a Sonobe 
solid) and they called the operation "Elevation." So Sonobe solids would be 
(according to that terminology) "elevated polyhedra," and that's the term I've 
used when describing modulars with that form. Here's a Bridges paper that gives 

And if you web-search for "elevated polyhedron", you'll find other papers that 
use the term.


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