Hi everyone.

Thank you for all your help with my latest questions; especially Matt for
his answer regarding timing and complexity levels during convention
workshops. Guys, I have follow-up questions; I hope you can help me out
once more ; )

Question #1: I can change the references for folding one of my models
(Semi-flat Case) in order to make it easier to fold. Which of the following
options do you consider easier for a beginner and why?


I'd say, the first one is a bigger fine motor skill challenge and the
second one a bigger cognitive challenge; all those pinches on the sheet
might become confusing for a beginner, but which one of the two challenges
is less complicated for a beginner?

Question #2: Is there any traditional model that needs folding into thirds.
If not, what's the earliest model you know that includes folding into

Question #3: I don't know that much about making diagrams. As I made the
diagrams I shared you in that URL, I wondered if I used the symbol equal
parts in all the steps I needed. Was I supposed to use it in step 2 and 3
of Option B? In what cases is one supposed to use the equal parts symbol?

Thank you guys!


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