A-size paper have a really cool property. If divide in half, taking the
smaller side, we can two sheets of paper with one A size smaller.


Because of the ratio i.e 1 : √2 . If you divide this ratio(fraction) in
half, then it becomes
    1/2 : √2/2 .
On simplifying, it becomes
    √2 : 1
which is same as 1 : √2, on rotating the sheet by 90°.

I got to know about this in David Brill's book -Brilliant Origami.


On Mon, 22 Jul, 2019, 5:22 PM Kathy Stevick, <kfstev...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  leslie wrote
> If all A sized paper is proportionally the same, why couldn’t you fold any
> model that calls for A-Sized paper?  It would be the same as folding models
> from different sized squares. The model would only vary in size whether it
> was folded from A-8, or A-5...or any A sizes larger or smaller. Right?
> Right but things get small really fast.
> Kathy

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