On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 9:51 AM Robert Lang <rob...@langorigami.com> wrote:

> Thus spake "Origami on behalf of Gerardo @neorigami.com" <
> origami-boun...@lists.digitalorigami.com on behalf of
> gera...@neorigami.com> on 4/22/20, 7:23 AM:
> I've been delighted with how everyone everywhere is proposing activities
> through the web in order to make this quarantine easier : )
> I want to offer something as well. A couple of years ago I developed a
> conference/workshop for an international origami convention here in
> Colombia. Its title was "Creating through the Frankensteinian Method in
> Origami".Well, I'd like to offer it–this time in English–through Zoom for
> free.
> The thing is, I don't have a Zoom paid subscription. So I wanted to ask
> you, if you do have one, would allow me to offer the activity with your
> help? I hope one of you will say "yes". I also hope that that person can
> help me as the moderator during the activity.
> The conference/workshop would be on Saturday, May 9th, 10 - 12:30 pm CDT.
> Hi Gerardo,
> This would be a good place to mention (or re-mention) that OrigamiUSA is
> making its paid Zoom room available to pretty much anyone who wants to set
> up a public origami session (you don’t need to be a member of OrigamiUSA,
> or be in the USA). You can reserve it through the website at this page:
> https://origamiusa.org/cogs-online-scheduler
> As you can see from the calendar on that page, quite a few people are
> already taking advantage of it!
> You can also post your activity on OrigamiUSA’s calendar (which also
> already contains a lot of public online events):
> https://origamiusa.org/calendar
> The scheduled Zoom events are password-protected (password embedded in the
> link), and for events posted on the calendar, people need to be logged into
> the website to see the link (to prevent zoombombing trolls from finding the
> link by web search). Please don’t post the links anywhere public! The
> trolls are out there and active. You need to be registered with the
> website, but you don’t have to be a member of OrigamiUSA.
> Hope this helps with your project (and with anyone else who wants to do
> something like this!),
> Robert

Are *all* events posted in the origamiusa.org/calendar public, for anyone
to join?  I found one for today that does not explicitly say it is public.
May I assume that if they are posted at that location (
origamiusa.org/calendar) then they are considered public and anyone (with
an origamiusa account) may join?

Douglas Zander

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