I am certainly tardy in reading your post, but I appreciate you calling
attentions to these topics and the link. As a Librarian, I am aware of the
"Fair Use Doctrine" that permits the distribution of small parts of
copyrighted materials under certain (and fairly codified) conditions. But
this is still a broad (and convoluted) topic--along with the vagaries of
Trademark and Patents--so kudos to you for calling it to our attention.
*Note*: If you're not familiar with the "Fair Use Doctrine" it's worth a
read, especially if you feel you may want to copy or distribute material by
another artist/author at some point.

If you would like a link or two, I would be happy to provide some for you.

Best wishes and happy folding,

*Paul S. Hoffman *(Nebraska)
* <origamihak...@gmail.com>paulshoffman.wixsite.com/origamihakken
<http://paulshoffman.wixsite.com/origamihakken> *(origami) *new*
*paulshoffman.wixsite.com/paul <http://paulshoffman.wixsite.com/paul> *

On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 10:20 AM Laura R <lauraroz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sometimes I feel like The New York Times is reading my mind. There are
> articles like this one that target to my questions (no matter how many
> times I look for information on “copyright”, “trademark”, etc.) It may not
> prevent my forgetting of the differences (they slip from my brain after a
> few days), but it’s helpful, anyway. For origami artists, I believe it’s
> worth reading.
> https://www.nytimes.com/article/copyrights-trademarks-patents.html?algo=identity&fellback=false&imp_id=304404760&imp_id=522037532&action=click&module=Smarter%20Living&pgtype=Homepage

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