Thank you all who helped promote the event! I wanted to let you know
everything went wonderfully well. I had 75 attendants in total, which were
so receptive and participative during the three hours we ended up sharing.
We had people from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia (aside from me), England,
France, Germany, India, Italy, Spain, and the US, among other countries

After the event they sent me messages like these ones:

"I really enjoyed your Zoom class today on "Creating through the
Frankensteinian Method in Origami" and the models you taught.  You are a
wonderful and patient instructor!" (Sue Ann Chu)

"Thank you for your event yesterday.  It was very enjoyable and you are an
excellent teacher. I look forward to more!" (Andrea Plate)

"loved every minute of the class. It was a creative, thorough,
well-executed class with so much thought-provoking in-depth information.
Thank you" (Carol)

"Many thanks again for offering this 3h workshop which was ever so
interesting! I never thought of an environmental aspect of origami but you
are the living proof... Your explanations were very clear! It must have
been exhausting for you to hold and fold your paper for so long...
congratulations! I did manage to follow, except for your shopping bag
halfway but kept on watching of course. You should organize another Zoom
session". (Èvelyne Papoutsia)

Just that made it all worth it! They have also been posting their comments
on the blog entries Leyla Torres and Sara Adams had made promoting the

Another attendant, Anindya from India, took the following screenshot from
his smartphone during the event. He's very active on Instagram, you can
check his origami by following @origamist_mandal

So simply... thank you gals/guys for your help! Especially Faye Goldman and
Matt Green; your help was invaluable : )


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