On Mon, 18 May 2020, 21:50 Gerardo @neorigami.com, <gera...@neorigami.com>

> ...Could one of you please show me Hiroshi Kumasaka's heart model in one
> of those sources?

Hi Gerardo,
I confirm. Heart model by Hiroshi Kumasaka published in Le Pli
(spring/summer 1995).
Heart shape stands in front of "white" background.
Colour behind. Fold square in half. Break in two top little corners. Then
align 2 corner to center (plane fold). Bring 2 parallel edges to center
mountain fold. Fold in half, heart shape on one side. Inside reverse fold
on the 2 hinge corners. Finished. (-:
It recently was subject to a modular variation in one of our online groups.

All the best,
>From Claire (France)

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