Dear David,

Thank you for your response.

First off, you ask me about my comment to Jeffrey.  You
write:  "I think that you'reunfair to Jeffrey to demand that he
support you rather than "BLOCK" you."

Perhaps you have not had the pleasure of reading Jeffrey's
posts to ANY of my lines of inquiry on the few listservers in
which we share membership.  I gave up on trying to discuss
issues with Jeffrey when I noticed that I could never get him
to answer questions of mine.  He would lecture me on
semantics, and etiology, and the differences between a lexicon
and a dictionary and so on..... and of course he enthusiastically
emphasized my lack of academic training with the implication
that I shouldn't even be attempting to discuss the topics
at hand.

So please let me clarify something you said that is not
correct.  I did **not** ask Jeffrey to SUPPORT me.  I merely
asked him to stop trying to block my every inquiry.... and to
provide some information that would be useful to everyone...
such as:  how would HE characterize the Enochian community
that  would contribute to our knowledge by comparing/contrasting
the Enochian community with either the Essenes or the Rechabites.

Not surprisingly, Jeffrey, in 2 separate posts, chose not to respond
to my question.  And so I will choose not to respond to the points
that he raises (especially since they seem to be a bit forced, and
not really on-point).

I do agree with you about something important.  You write:
"I ...suggest actually reading Boccaccini's book on Roots of Rabbinic
Judaism (my comments on this book elicited your response) to see
what he thinks about conflict within the priesthood prior to the
Maccabean period."

I have been re-reading your posts on this book.... and I definitely
need to read his work.  Your summary of his views suggests that
there was some factionalism between the Enochian community and the
Zadokite community.... and I think that would fit very well my thoughts
that Ezekiel's writings (or those of his students) were opposed to the

You write:
"As far as the Book of Enoch goes, both the Book of the Watchers and 
> the Similitudes are fascinated by metalworking, but from a negative 
> slant.  The Watchers teach the art to their wives, causing war and
violence inthe Book of the Watchers.  If the Kenites and Rechabites
were smiths (whose primary function in the ancient world was to
manufacture weapons), then the Enoch literature is on the other side."

This is a thought that I've pondered.  The story of Cain and Abel
has always struck me as a 2-layered story.... one layer describing
Cain as the first child of Adam and Eve... and the source of all
the arts of civilization..... and the 2nd layer being a "co-opting"
of the story of Cain, as an attempt to discredit the Kenite lineage....
where Cain becomes a murderer, and Seth becomes the NOBLE
lineage.... with having many of the same names in the family
tree of Seth that Cain has (until Cain's lineage disappears... and
no effort is made to explain how the Cain lineage in metal and
music is shared with the Seth-ite clans).

This 2-layered aspect *might* also be applicable to the Book
of Watchers... but I will have to read that work again.... now that
I have this "thesis" to test.

Or perhaps Zadok, who some have presumed to be a non-
Hebrew ethnic name, is more closely aligned with the Rechabim?...
rather than Ezekiel?  I've not really examined that idea.... but I
will have to examine that idea just to be as rigorous as possible.

David, your comments on the the Book of Watchers and the
Similitudes is exactly the kind of discussion that I'm looking for.
We could have become mired down in semantics (in an attempt to
stop a useful exchange of views)... or we can talk about the issue
at a higher level.... with an EXCHANGE of ideas.  Your suggestions
are very helpful.


George Brooks
Tampa, FL

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