One possible cause is that directory browsing is disabled by default. Are you pointing to the jsp in your request on just the directory that contains it? If the latter, you may set a welcome file in the web.xml configuration file. Another possibility on Linux systems is that the file persmissions are not correct.

To enable directory browsing, set the attribute directory-browsing="allow" for the tag <orion-web-app> in the orion-web.xml file.


At 10:06 5/3/2001 -0400, you wrote:
 I'm new to the group, and orion, so I hope that you'll put up with what may be stupid simple questions for a bit.
I've installed Orion, and am trying to port a very simple proof of concept app to it, just to get it running.( the total app is 2 jsps, one servlet, and one tag). I followed directions, to the best that I can, followed threads here, picking up hints and tips that have helped. The BEST that I can get is a 403(forbidden) error on  ( and I was HAPPY when I got that instead of 404's :). )
    Can anyone point me on the right direction from here? ( FAQ, docs, hey THIS!! ...)

Earl Marwil
1690 International Way
Idaho Falls, ID 83402

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