The correct place is to place them in the META-INF directory, next to 
your other deployment files.  It *used* to be the orion directory, but 
that was changed a long time ago.

This tutorial should help you understand the orion xml files more:


Andrés Escudero Apesteguía wrote:
> I've been testing Orion the last three weeks. In Orion web, I've read to 
> put orion-ejb-jar.xml under orion directory for an EJB. In some other 
> sites, this file must reside under META-INF directory. Which is the 
> correct place to put orion-ejb-jar.xml?
> I've assumed that the correct answer to my first question is orion. When 
> Orion deploys my application, it respects some of the parameters I've 
> written, but it deletes some of them. Can anyone help me on this problem?
> And the last question. Is there any relation between orion-ejb-jar.xml, 
> ejb-jar.xml (under META-INF), and the parameters location and name of an 
> EJB. I've tried to put a location which was different to its ejb name 
> and Orion has not noticed the change.
> Thank in advance,
>     Andrés.
> --------------------------------------------
> Andrés Escudero Apesteguía
> TB Solutions
> Desarrollo eBanking
> tlf: +34 948 173 319
> fax: +34 948 172 235
> web: <>
> --------------------------------------------

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      Supporting YOUR J2EE World

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