Avi Hurvitz has a number of articles defending a view opposite to that of

A. Hurvitz, "The historical quest for 'ancient Israel' and the linguistic
evidence of the Hebrew Bible: some methodological remarks", Vetus
Testamentum 47 (1997) 301-315.

A. Hurvitz, "The relevance of Biblical Hebrew linguistics for the historical
study of Ancient Israel", World Congress of Jewish Studies 12.A (1999) 21-33

A. Hurvitz, "Can biblical texts be dated linguistically? Chronological
perspectives in the historical study of Biblical Hebrew", Vetus Testamentum
Supplements 80 (2000) 143-160.

Best wishes,
--Martin Baasten

Martin F.J. Baasten --- Talen en Culturen van het Nabije Oosten
Universiteit Leiden --- Postbus 9515 --- 2300 RA  Leiden
Tel. +31 (0)71 527.2257 --- Fax +31 (0)71 527.2042

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