>I also noticed the same tools at http://www.savarese.org/oro/downloads/

This is the old software on which jakarta-oro is based and is no
longer supported.

>The PerlTools have text/regex/Perl5StreamInput, and Jakarta source does not.
>Are there any other significant differences?

See the CHANGES file:

>I’m reading and parsing a large text file (50MB) using Perl5Match.
>Doing a performance analysis I notice much of the processing time
>is around the Perl5Match.contains(buffer, pattern) routine.
>Is there anything I can do to resolve performance issues with Perl5Match?
>On solaris, the cpu takes a hit for several minutes (30%).

You're reading a 50 MB file, something that Java is very bad at doing.
Performance will be dependent on a large variety of factors including
the regular expressions you're searching for.  Most pattern matching
performance issues can be resolved by rewriting the regular expression.
However, your issues would appear to be related to the 50 MB file.

>Doe anyone have a good source for the difference between Ack & Perl
>regular expressions?  The only thing I have been able to find is

The O'Reilly book "Mastering Regular Expressions" by Jeffrey Friedl is
a good reference.  As for the differences between the .awk and .regex
packages, you can compare:
(just noticed this one is not up to date; it doesn't mention the POSIX
 character classes).
We'll be writing a new user's guide soon to make it clear how to use the
packages and what the supported syntax is.

>I enjoy the applet @ oro that test Perl regular expressions!

Good to hear.  In case you're referring to the old one, you can find
an updated version for jakarta-oro at:
The source code is also included in the 2.0.3 distribution.


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