The perl regular expression you are looking for is


Remember that * and / are special characters and need to be escaped as \*
and \/
So, the expression above reads

s/    -- start of substitution
\/\*    -- match /*
.*    -- The means any non newline character (This would include the / that
you had in your second example
\*\/    -- match */
//    -- replace the matched expression with nothing (in otherwords, remove

That would work as long as the /* and */ are on the same line

Not sure how to do this with ORO

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 1:30 PM
Subject: question about jakarta-oro 2.0.3

> Hi,
> my name is Luigi Zoso and I'm currently trying to automatically remove
> comments from files containing Javascript code, by using jakarta-ORO's
> "Util.substitute()"  API. I built a java class by following the guidelines
> of
> I'm experiencing some problems when I try to delete comments of the type:
> /* This is a comment */
> The problem is to find the correct regular expression in order to match
> these comments and replace them with a blank string in the file.
>  At present,  I use the following expression:
> (\/+[\*]+[^\*\/]+[\*]+\/)
> I put the "[^\*\/]" in order to avoid removing code between two comments,
> like in this example:
> /*First comment*/
> Function myFunction()
> {alert("I don't want to delete this code");}
> /*Second comment*/
> This works for simple cases, such as single comments isolated from the
> of the code, but it fails with more complex cases such as when a "/" is
> present inside the comment:
> /*First comment*/
> Function myFunction()
> {alert("I don't want to delete this code");}
> /*Second comment with / inside it */
> Could anyone help me with a more useful regular expression?
> Thank you
> Luigi Zoso
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