are the substitute and split methods of Util thread-safe?
what about in version 1.1.0a?

also, regarding the following, commented by Mr. Savarese:
        Furthermore, most people blatantly misuse the
        org.apache.oro.text.regex package by constantly
        reinstantiating Perl5Compiler and Perl5Matcher
        instances and constantly recompiling regular expressions.

given that the Matcher produces a MatchResult as a side-effect, I would
imagine that you'd want at least one Matcher per thread in a multi-threaded

any advice/observations about using the ORO packages (particularly
pre-jakarta) appreciated.

Gabrio Verratti
Software Engineer
ext. 555

Brokat Technologies
150 Almaden Blvd.
San Jose, CA 95113
(800) 876-4900

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