Hello Daniel,

Tuesday, October 23, 2001, 10:57:23 AM, you wrote:

DFS> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, George Hart writes:
>>       System.out.println(perl.match("/^[\\w-._]+\\@[\\w-._]+$/",str));

DFS> Yes, this is a bug.  Change the expression to  "/^[-\\w._]+\\@[-\\w._]+$/"
DFS> or "/^[\\w\\-._]+\\@[\\w\\-._]+$/" in the interim.  Takashi's unicode
DFS> character class patch introduced the problem; understandably so, because
DFS> my __parseCharacterClass() code he based __parseUnicodeClass() on is not
DFS> easy to follow.

DFS> Anyone want to volunteer to submit some regression tests?  The
DFS> problem was obvious when I looked at the code knowing the symptom, but
DFS> not when I applied the patch.  It's embarassing to have allowed a
DFS> regression like this to linger this long.  I haven't had time to port
DFS> the old ORO test suite and have really been hoping someone would step
DFS> up to offer some well-designed regression tests.  In any case, I fixed
DFS> the bug in CVS.  There's nothing unstable currently in the latest CVS,
DFS> so it's safe to do an anonymous checkout and use that, although I'm
DFS> tempted to put out a 2.0.5 maintenance release right now.  I'd rather
DFS> wait until after redoing build.xml and the project layout to match
DFS> what's been discussed on alexandria-dev though (this weekend, I
DFS> guess).

DFS> Thanks for the bug report George!  Please test the fix when you have
DFS> a chance to provide additional verification.

DFS> daniel

Could you clarify the situation with a (regression,compatibility,etc)test suite?
Is there any(i haven't found any neither in a downloaded stuff nor on website)?
I think such kind of thing is the first of must-be's for any regex project.
And i seem to be a voluteer to develop one, but need some help on what
to start from.

Best regards,
 Sergey                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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