>I', using the Perl5Compiler I don't know exactly what i try to compile when
>I get this Exception but I would be glad if someone anyway could tell me
>whats wrong
>java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ^

If you don't figure out what you're trying to compile, it is impossible
to either help you or diagnose the problem in order to improve the software.
Almost definitely you are compiling an invalid expression.  Unless you
provide the expression, it will not be possible to determine if that is
truly the case and correct whatever is causing Perl5Compiler to use an
invalid array index in the parsing/compiling process rather than throw a
MalformedPatternException.  You also need to indicate what version of
jakarta-oro you are using because line 338 of Perl5Compiler.java
does not correspond to emitNode() in the latest version of the source


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