DevFest Southeast Asia (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

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Technology Park Malaysia
Ground Floor, Enterprise 4
Bukit Jalil, 57000 KL

Join us for a day focused on product talks, coding, demos and fun,
where we'll be covering topics such as Chrome/HTML5, App Engine,
Social APIs and Maps API. Developer advocates and engineers will be
there to show you the latest and greatest, as well as answer your
questions and hear about what you've been working on.


8:30am - 9:30am - Registration
9:30am - 10:00am - Introduction
10:00am - 10:45am - Maps
10:45am - 11:00am - Break
11:00am - 11:45am - Chrome
11:45am - 12:00pm - Demos
12:00pm - 2:30pm - Lunch & Google Office Hours
2:30pm - 3:30pm - Social
3:30pm - 4:30pm - Apps
4:30pm - 6:00pm - Hackathon


Daniels Lee (SFO)

Daniels joined the Developer Relations team at Google over 3 years
ago. He dedicated most of his time supporting and building up the
community around the Google Gadgets API for iGoogle. After spending
over two years on the product, he shifted focus onto supporting the
Google Maps APIs.

Patrick Chanezon (MTV)

Patrick Chanezon manages the Client and Cloud Advocacy team at Google,
making the web better as a development platform with open web
standards, GWT, Google Appengine and a lot of coffee. He has been a
Developer Advocate at Google since 2005, building and growing
developer ecosystems for OpenSocial, Google Checkout and the AdWords
API. Previously he has been working on portals, blogs and syndication
feeds at Sun Microsystems, AOL and Netscape. He's the co-founder of
the ROME java open source project and the OSSGTP (Open Source Get
Together Paris) group. Patrick is french, so he takes long vacations
in the summer and likes to drink red wine with baguette and stinky
cheese while wearing a beret. Apart from programming and reading books
and mangas, his main interest in life is spending time with his wife
and 3 kids.

Timothy Jordan (MTV)

Timothy is a Developer Advocate at Google working on the social web.
He has a B.S. in Computer Engineering, a Theater Arts graduate degree,
and an MFA in Digital Arts and New Media from UC Santa Cruz. In his
spare time he runs half marathons and announces for the Santa Cruz
Derby Girls, the Silicon Valley Roller Girls, and any other Roller
Derby team that asks. As an engineer he enjoys solving problems for
the benefit of fellow humans. As an artist he enjoys the search for
truth and beauty.

Bob Aman (MTV)
Bob works on the Developer Relations team at Google in Mountain View.
He loves contributing to open source, open web standards, and
generally making the web a friendlier, more useful place for
everybody. Bob was once saved from a volcanic mishap by a bad case of
malaria. True story.

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