hi red1 & all,

now you are talking....

with due respect, the current LinuxU program, as I see it, is good;
but its only spreading the love, NOT the skills!

With a programming workshop as you are suggesting, that is spreading
the skills, and I'm more motivated to participate.

But this a more involved program, it involves actual training, not
only in programming skills, BUT in modern SW Development practices...
What I mean by that is not just teaching them a language (Java,
Python, Ruby, PHP, etc..) but also skills & familiarity with Agile
development methodology - pair programming, unit-tests, iteration
cycles... not to mention code versioning. I'm am surprised by why this
is not even taught in Uni's, or they may taught but never use!

Another important thing is to expose students to what is out there,
see end of this message... then equip them with the basic skills and
let them choose (if they are able rto...)

(I guess end of the day, there will be different types of programmers
- as per my earlier mail, and we will need 'Drone Programmers', but
teaching these are knda dull don't you think? ;-)

And then after that you are talking of getting them onto areas of
specialization... and or using various libraries or frameworks. For
example in Web-development, its a whole big world out there... just
for web frameworks.. PHP - Drupal, Joomla, Xoops, and Java and Python
has a whole bunch! And we are not even talking of 'cloud' applications
like GAE!

Other areas of specialization could be: graphics & animation, game
development, mobile, systems/network & security (real hacking;-) and
of course biz apps like ERP ;-)

So what I'm trying to say is that once we get into it, its almost like
developing a whole syllabus for SW Engineering, -  and we might as
well work with University to develop the syllabus, and probably help
teach it!

I dont know about yr experiences, but from my general knowledge and
having recently taught a Python Intro course to 3,4 yr Uni students,
what I can say is the general level of programming skills are VERY
low. Not only that, their conceptual knowledge is also low.

Also, I'll like to emphasize, when teaching programming, one must not
just focus on teaching a language, but rather on concepts (ie:
algoritms and data-structures). I feel sometimes we get too 'attached'
to a language and think thats its greatest thing on earth. Then we
fall into the trap of

"..if all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail!"

Certain languages have strengths in certain things, and some concepts
may be better expressed in some languages. And a good programmer would
have several tools in their toolbox and choose a particular language
for different types of projects.

And 'new' languages and concepts are always being invented or recycled
everyday, and if anything we should make students aware of this. e.g.
some time back Azrul mentioned Scala, a language designed for highly
distributed and concurrent use, based on continuations. But the
concept of continuations came about with functional languages that
traces its root back to Lisp, which predates C! And Erlang is another
such highly concurrent langauge, invented by Ericsson and OSS, at
about the same time as Java.

Another recycled concept is the new bunch of schemaless DBs, among
them Googles BigTable, CouchDB, etc.. meant to sit on the cloud. This
first came about with the MUMPS programming language, which again
predates C. And MUMPs itself has several OSS versiona and there are 2
commercial MUMPS DB, by GTM and Intersystems Cache, which run very
large healthcare and financial applications.

either of these would make very powerful and useful tools in
programmers hands,...

Yes, its a whole big world out there, and just talking about Jave (or
Python) is a tiny drop... and not enough. ;-)

Sure, I'll like to contribute to your program, let's spread the skills
not just the love...

2009/10/29 red1 <r...@red1.org>:
> Baru tadi saya berbincang dengan Azrul untuk mengemukakan satu rancangan
> yang boleh menarik peminat khusus iaitu satu program (yg boleh tumpang
> atas Linux Varsiti) tetapi khusus dan panjang sikit:
> 1. Satu minggu di setiap varsiti secara khusus selepas pameran dan
> persembahan LinuxVarsiti
> 2. Varsiti Hacker Tour bergerak dalam bilik makmal dengan tayangan ke
> layar besar untuk ditontoni penuntut perisian sumber terbuka
> 3. Azrul dan saya akan melakukan pair programming secara sistematik
> 4. JipangSyazwan akan merakamkan secara live/tube/reality.
> 5. Setiap varsiti bukan ulangan program tetapi bersambung iaitu
> sekiranya kita bermula di universiti A tentang setup kod baru,
> universiti B akan bersambung kod berikut tanpa mengulangi.  Dengan itu
> projek itu siap pada akhir tour tersebut.
> 6. Dana untuk promosi di media massa perlu supaya warga varsiti semua
> akan mengikutinya secara atas talian, dan apabila tiba di varsiti secara
> fizikal pasti sambutan lebih intim.
> 7. Blog/streaming realiti berterusan mengekori pasukan akan menjadi
> tumpuan. Ramai sukarelawan atau anggota projek boleh mengambil bahagian
> dan menyumbangkan kod masing2.
> 8. Produk outcome pada akhir tour selama 6 bulan nanti Azrul dan saya
> akan menghasilkan:
> a. integrasi GUI baru atas ADempiere
> b. integrasi WF Joget ERP
> c. integrasi BI tools
> d. hasil kerja sukarelawan varsiti seluruh malaysia
> e. dokumentasi perjalanan dan komuniti khusus untuk Java enterprise
> development
> WDYT? <-- apa pendapat anda semua?
> red1
> >


Boh Heong, Yap

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