Flash 8 has a wonderful new feature called ExternalInterface, sometimes referred to as External API. Essentially, it's the "new" way for the Flash player to talk to it's host.

During the last Macromedia PodCast from Mike & Christian they had talked about Flash and JavaScript communication with ExternalInterface. Now that the cat is out of the bag on Studio 8, I wanted to let everyone know that you can also use ExternalInterface with a desktop host as well, and not just a browser.

What does this mean? It means we can now build an open source synchronous projector (akin to mProjector) if we wanted to.

Heres some details: The communication is done via an event and a few methods. When you call this ActionScript line:

result = ExternalInterface.call("TheMethod", "A sample string param...");

The ActiveX object will raise a "FlashCall" event and send you the event request as an XML string. The string will look like this for the above actionscript: <invoke name="TheMethod" returntype="xml"><arguments><string>A sample string param..."</string></arguments></invoke>

In the event handler, you can then fire off your "TheMethod" in your C# (or C++,m or Python, or whatever is hosting the control), and then return some data back to flash. When you return data, you have to pass it back in the XML format as well, but you would call the control.SetReturnValue("string") method, where "string" would look like this:

"<string>This is a sample string being returned</string>"

The Flash movie will block until either the return value is set, or the event handler is done executing (i.e. you don't have to return a value if you don't want to). Going the other way, from C# to Flash, you would first have to register a method to call inside of the Flash movie. You can do that by a line like this:

// expose a method "activeStateChange" to the C# container
ExternalInterface.addCallback("callMeFromCSharp", this, onCalled);

The params are the method name C# should use, and then the typical scope / callback in ActionScript. Then, you can call the method as so (in C# here):

string result = flashMovie.CallFunction("<invoke name=\"callMeFromCSharp\" returntype=\"xml\"><arguments><bool>false</bool></arguments></invoke>");

Notice I'm using "CallFunction" to call the method, and I'm passing in the XML string for the invocation. This will fire off the "onCalled" ActionScript function inside of the movie. In that function then, I can "return 'hello'" and then the C# result will be "<string>hello</string>".

So yes, this gives you synchronous communication from C# -> Flash and Flash -> C#.

The awesome thing here is you don't have to use just strings. You can send native objects back and forth via ExternalInterface. For instance, if I want to return an array from an ExternalInterface call:

var listFiles:Array = ExternalInterface.call("ListFiles", "c:\windows");

I can send an array of strings back, by calling SetReturnValue with the following string as the parameter:

"<array><property id='0'><string>test.dll<string></property><property id='1'><string>hello.dll</string></property></array>"

That will get serialized by the Flash Player as an array, and then in ActionScript I can loop over listFiles as an array (since it *is* an array):

for (var i = 0; i < listFiles.length; i++) // etc

Likewise, numbers are serialized as <number>12.123</number> and objects look somewhat like arrays:

   <property id='isThisCool'>

So, what the open source community should do is build a serialization / deserialization library to abstract the XML format away. Then, there should be an API build to abstract ExternalInterface away like:

var ftp:DudeFTP = DudeAPI.OpenFTPConnection(ip, username, password);
if (ftp.success) {
   var files:Array = ftp.listFiles("/pub");
} var newWindow:DudeWindow = DudeAPI.createWindow("some.swf", modal, title, closeButton, this, onClose);

// etc.

Let the discussion begin! Maybe this is a good time to ressurect my SharpFlash project... ;-)


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