Just curious ... what would you consider reasonable?

Kind regards,

     Peter Kriens

P.S. This is NOT in my OSGi capacity ... just curious

NH> On 10/17/06, Peter Kriens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
NH> If you are serious about a standard, the 20K can not be the main problem.
NH> You should realize that the 20k is dwarfed by the cost to provide the
NH> travel and time for your employees to write the actual specifications.

NH> I beg to differ. Assumptions about European cost levels and
NH> wealthy rather than passionate companies are not necessary fair.
NH> However, that is the perogative of the OSGi Alliance to assume,
NH> irregardless of fairness and accuracy. 
NH> One analogy could be that it is equally not a small task to
NH> develop a working OSGi platform, but yet we see Richard Hall
NH> accomplishing that mostly on his own. Would someone like that fork
NH> out an additional 20,000, if there was a fee associated with
NH> developing it? I doubt it, yet it dwarves in the total man-hours
NH> spent on the project. Go figure. 

NH> Now, back to Marcel's question; How does the Alliance plan to
NH> deal with less central specifications/standards, which the
NH> Alliance doesn't consider critical and would not be developed due
NH> to lack of "man power" and "company weight"?? 

NH> Cheers
NH> Niclas

Peter Kriens                              Tel +33467542167
9C, Avenue St. Drézéry                    AOL,Yahoo: pkriens
34160 Beaulieu, France                    ICQ 255570717
Skype pkriens                             Fax +1 8153772599

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