
This may be more of a basic Java question, but I’ll ask it anyway because it 
relates to “bouncing” and the handling of dynamic behavior.

In my @Activate method, I configure my component. Since the configuration may 
be long-running (data is retrieved remotely), I use a Promise. But, the 
component is available before it is actually “ready”. So far, this has not been 
a problem.

It looks something like this:

@Reference private Store dataStore;

void activate() {

void configure(Store withDataStore) {
  // Configuration is set up via a Promise, using a data store to retrieve the 

However, because there is some bouncing occurring, I think what is happening is 
that configure() starts running in a different thread, but in the meantime the 
reference to the dataStore is changed. The error log shows that the data store 
is in an impossible state. After following a hunch, I could confirm that the 
configureData process is running on a data store service that was deactivated 
during bouncing.

What would be a good (and simple) strategy to handle this type of long-running 
configuration, where the configuration is in a different thread and depends on 
services that may come and go?

Note: in the end, the component gets configured and the application runs, but I 
would still like to be able to handle this situation properly.


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