>From a
5420.html?wpisrc=nl_politics&sid=ST2011030400073> story in WaPo today
covering Western uncertainty about intervening in Libya:

"If there's a debate, it's over to what extent we should now decide how
we're going to make a decision, if, in fact, we're going to decide," said a
NATO official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the
sensitive issue. 

For an English translation  <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc-v2t6QqzI>
click here.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc-v2t6QqzI


 Obama signals willingness to intervene militarily in Libya if crisis

By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 4, 2011; 6:58 AM 

President Obama said Thursday that he had ordered plans giving the U.S.
military "full capacity to act, potentially rapidly," in Libya if the
situation there deteriorates. 

"I don't want us hamstrung," Obama said. He cited the possibility of a
humanitarian crisis, or "a situation in which defenseless civilians were
finding themselves trapped and in great danger," or "a stalemate that over
time could be bloody" if Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi continues to resist
international demands that he step down. 

Gaddafi "has lost legitimacy to lead, and he must leave," the president

But in his first public statement on Libya since the outbreak of widespread
armed conflict between opposition forces and those loyal to Gaddafi, Obama
expressed several notes of caution, stressing that the United States must
act only "in consultation . . . with the international community." 

"The region will be watching carefully to make sure we're on the right side
of history," Obama said at a White House news conference with visiting
Mexican President Felipe Calderon. As with Egypt
and Tunisia, he said, U.S. interests were best served if the United States
was not seen as engineering or imposing a particular outcome. 

Having raised the possibility of establishing a no-fly zone over Libya, and
after moving warships into the Mediterranean, the United States and its
allies appeared Thursday to step back from military intervention, even as
opposition forces in Libya continued to call for assistance from foreign air

After their unexpected victory Wednesday over well-armed Gaddafi forces in
the oil port of Brega, rebel fighters regrouped to bury their dead and to
lay plans to carry the fight toward Tripoli, Libya's embattled capital. 

Brega was hit Thursday by at least three powerful airstrikes, while rebels
clashed with Gaddafi loyalists in the nearby Mediterranean town of Bishra.
In Tripoli, there were signs of the government cracking down in an attempt
to thwart plans for street protests after Friday prayers. 

Activists in Benghazi, the eastern city that serves as the rebel capital,
were calling for a million people to protest. On Friday, Gaddafi loyalists
erected checkpoints in Tripoli, searching vehicles ahead of what was
expected to be the first large anti-government protest there in days,
according to the Associated Press. Additionally, the news agency said,
Internet access appeared to be cut off in the city, which was unusually
quiet ahead of noon prayers. 

Some foreign journalists in Tripoli were blocked from leaving their hotel to
observe the protests. 

"These are exceptional circumstances," Gaddafi spokesman Mussa Ibrahim said,
according to the Al Arabiya news agency. "I know you're going to talk about
it and twist it the way you want. We are preparing to pay this price of
preventing you guys from reporting to avoid turning Tripoli into Baghdad." 

Pro-Gaddafi forces launched a renewed assault Friday on the
opposition-controlled western city of Zawiya, where a resident said the city
had come under attack with shells and machine-gun fire at 11 a.m. local

"We think they are going to try to take the [town] square," said the
resident, speaking by phone with the sound of machine-gun fire echoing in
the background. "They are about 7 kilometers [about 4 miles] away right now.
We don't know yet how this is going to work out." 

Meanwhile, at least some international leaders appeared chastened by
warnings from their military forces that intervention would be complicated
and fraught with uncertainty. Although the United States, Britain
el> , France
<http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/countries/france.html?nav=el> ,
Canada and others have indicated they would participate, if conditions
warranted, Italy and Germany
<http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/countries/germany.html?nav=el> ,
among others, have said they would not. 

At the United Nations and at NATO headquarters, diplomats and officials said
that no decisions were pending and that no meetings were scheduled to
discuss options on Libya. 

"We're not proposing a no-fly zone. We're simply proposing the planning,"
British Foreign Secretary William Hague told the BBC. "None of these options
are pain-free or simple." 

"If there's a debate, it's over to what extent we should now decide how
we're going to make a decision, if, in fact, we're going to decide," said a
NATO official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the
sensitive issue. 

The Obama administration and its European allies have indicated that they
would not act without authorization from the U.N. Security Council. Last
weekend, that body unanimously adopted tough economic sanctions against
Libya and warned it would not tolerate human rights abuses. 

Arab and African governments have expressed serious reservations about
granting the authority to use force, as has Russia
<http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/countries/russia.html?nav=el> .
U.N. envoy, Li Baodong, told reporters Wednesday that Beijing wants the
dispute to be resolved through dialogue. 

Also Wednesday, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates warned against what
he called "loose talk" about the ease of establishing a no-fly zone. "Let's
just call a spade a spade," Gates said. "A no-fly zone begins with an attack
on Libya." 

Geoff Morrell, Gates's spokesman, dismissed suggestions that the Pentagon
was pushing back against administration officials, including Secretary of
State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who said last week that a no-fly zone was
under active consideration. 

Gates and military leaders were providing a range of options for Obama,
Morrell said Thursday on MSNBC. But "people should be under no illusions"
about what would be involved in such intervention. 

Although there were no reports of outright dissension among policymakers,
several senior administration officials said they read Gates's comments, and
similar statements by Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, as aimed at blocking a military role in Libya. 

That point was also made Thursday by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who last
weekend called for serious consideration of a no-fly zone. "Personally, I
don't think it's loose talk . . . that this option should be given the
strongest consideration," McCain said at a Senate hearing. 

A wide range of U.S. and European officials said they doubted that any
decision to intervene would come, absent a dramatic, highly visible event
such as the widespread bombing of civilians. 

"It's got to be graphic, it's got to be real," the NATO official said. "Then
people say, 'Oh my God, it's enough.' " 

Reports from Libya have indicated government airstrikes on munitions dumps
and oil installations. On Wednesday, Human Rights Watch reported a missile
strike, apparently aimed at rebels in a main square in Brega, that caused no

In Rome, the World Food Program said that a ship carrying more than 1,000
metric tons of wheat flour to Benghazi had returned to port in Malta without
unloading, after reports of aerial bombardments near the Libyan city. 

"It's difficult to know exactly what the situation on the ground is in terms
of air raids," a European diplomat said. "We are looking, like everybody
else, at the reports we get . . . To be honest, it's very difficult for us
to know precisely what is going on hour by hour." 

Even as they hesitate to use military force, the United States, Britain and
others continued to position military assets in the region. On Thursday,
about 400 Marines arrived in Athens en route to the USS Kearsarge, one of
two U.S. amphibious assault ships that arrived in the Mediterranean this

Obama said that he has also authorized the use of U.S. military aircraft "to
help move Egyptians who have fled [Libya] . . . to get back home to Egypt,"
adding that the U.S. Agency for International Development would charter
additional aircraft to return nationals from other countries. Britain and
France made similar announcements earlier in the week. 

A Dutch Defense Ministry spokesman said his government was in "intensive
negotiations" to gain the release of a Dutch helicopter crew involved in
relief efforts that were captured over the weekend by Gaddafi forces. 

Correspondents Anthony Faiola in Tunis, Leila Fadel in Benghazi, Libya, and
Liz Sly and Steve Hendrix in Cairo and staff writers Colum Lynch at the
United Nations and R. Jeffrey Smith and Walter Pincus in Washington
contributed to this report. 


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