It’s a false dichotomy…Islam is an ideology of murder (for non-Muslims)!
Impossible to distinguish between the two.  Any Muslim is more potentially a
murderer than any other non-Muslim.





03/04/2011 04:15 PM

The World from Berlin

'Germans Have to Distinguish between Muslims and Murderers'

Investigators now believe that the man who killed two US airmen at Frankfurt
Airport on Wednesday was acting alone. Still, German commentators find
little comfort in knowing that. To them, it just means no one's safe

Germany is in a state of shock following Wednesday's fatal shooting
<,1518,748769,00.html>  at
Frankfurt Airport, which left two US airmen dead and two wounded. It appears
to have been the first deadly attack with an Islamist motive on German soil.

Twenty-one-year-old Arid U.
<,1518,748910,00.html>  has
already confessed to being the gunman and to acting alone, but that doesn't
seem to be of much comfort to Germans. Instead, the incident, which took
place in a public area of the airport, has highlighted just how little can
be done to prevent a lone gunman from carrying out an attack. 

The man, who lived in Frankfurt but was originally from Kosovo, was not
previously known to authorities and appears not to have been a member of an
Islamist group. However, the suspect's Facebook page, which has now been
taken offline, indicates that he had contacts to Islamists from the radical
Salafist movement.

More details of the attack emerged at a press conference held Friday by the
Federal Prosecutor General's office, which has taken over the investigation.
Rainer Griesbaum, the deputy federal prosecutor general, said there was no
evidence that Arid U. had belonged to a terrorist organization, although he
appeared to be influenced by Islamist thinking and had visited Islamist

Execution-Style Killings 

Griesbaum revealed that the suspect had killed his victims with eight
execution-style shots to the head. Arid U. had apparently gone to the
airport armed with a pistol and two knives to look for American soldiers.
When he recognized a group of soldiers, he asked one of them for a cigarette
and checked whether they were on their way to Afghanistan. After the airman
had confirmed that they were, U. shot him in the head from behind as he
turned back toward the bus.

Then, prosecutors said, U. boarded the bus and shot the 21-year-old driver
dead. He then went farther into the bus and shot two other airmen, aged 25
and 21. The two men survived the attack with serious injuries, though one is
still in a critical condition.

The suspect's pistol apparently jammed as he held the weapon against the
head of a fifth victim and pulled the trigger. Prosecutors said it was only
the gun's defect that prevented additional deaths. When the attacker tried
to escape, the soldier went after him and caught him after a few meters. A
number of police officers came to his assistance. 

On Thursday, Arid U. was formally charged with two counts of murder and
three counts of attempted murder. At Friday's press conference, prosecutors
stressed that there were still many open questions surrounding the attack,
and that investigations into the suspect's motives and links to the Islamist
scene were ongoing. Investigators said they were also confused about how a
man who seemed to have no previous experience with weapons was able to carry
out the attack with such cold-blooded efficiency.

Challenge to New Interior Minister 

The incident also presents a challenge to Germany's new interior minister,
Hans-Peter Friedrich
<,1518,748691,00.html> , who
was only sworn into office on Thursday morning. He immediately expressed his
shock and outrage at the attack but said there was no need to raise the
alert level in Germany. His predecessor, Thomas de Maizière, had only
recently relaxed public-security measures as previous fears of a
Mumbai-style terror attack in Germany subsided. 

Somewhat controversially, Friedrich also repeated his criticism of a
much-publicized October 2010 statement
<,1518,721119,00.html>  by
German President Christian Wulff, who said that "Islam also belongs to
Germany." On Thursday, Friedrich said that the view that Islam was part of
Germany was something "that could never be substantiated by historical

On Friday, commentators in Germany's main newspapers reflect on what the
attack means for German society.

The conservative Die Welt writes:

"The attacker's actions confirmed the worst fears of the security
authorities -- that they can't prevent the murderous plans of lone

"After weeks of fear of terrorism, the interior minister had only recently
relaxed security arrangements. Warnings of armed attacks on public places
had not come to anything, and there was no further information about planned
attacks. And then this attack had to happen."

"The security authorities can not be criticized. It appears that Arid U. was
not known to them. He had not drawn attention to himself by distributing
propaganda or by making contact to Islamist groups under observation."

"It would, of course, be wrong to pin the blame for this attack on Islam as
a religion. Around the world, many Muslims distance themselves from violence
and terror. The peaceful revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia have shown that
Muslim populations also long for freedom and democracy. Their magnificent
victories have also been a crushing defeat for terrorism. Violent Islamists
only make up a small group of people in Germany, but they are extremely
dangerous. The authorities must do everything possible to monitor this group
and neutralize them."

The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes:

"The man, whose confused thoughts can be read online, apparently acted as a
deranged lone perpetrator. That fact cannot, and should not, reassure us.
Many of the thoughts that went through the head of this disturbed young man
before he got hold of a pistol are widespread in Germany's small but
opinionated Islamist scene. They include ideas such as ones saying that
infidels are inferior beings, that Jews and their friends are the enemy, and
that one should not be squeamish in fighting the good fight. … It is a
community that likes to present itself as pious, but it now has to ask
itself how it came about that one of its members became willing to carry out
an attack."

"The vast majority of Muslims in Germany must show that this way of thinking
has no place in their mosques and associations. They have to do so for the
sake of their faith and in order to rescue and preserve Islam, which must
have its place in Germany. This is the real 'jihad,' the true religious
struggle. The rest of German society should support the country's Muslims in
that process. They need to … distinguish between Muslims and murderers."

The left-leaning Die Tageszeitung writes:

"Although many details are still unclear, everything indicates that the
attack on a US military bus in Frankfurt was carried out by an anti-American
Islamist. If that is true, then March 2, 2011 will go down in German history
as a decisive turning point: the day of the first Islamist attack in this
country. Admittedly, the incident can in no way be compared with the
large-scale, laboriously planned terrorist attacks in London, Madrid and New
York. But, like those attacks, it was apparently a deliberate murder
committed by a disturbed religious fanatic."

"The fact that Arid U. appears not to have been a member of a jihadist group
or terrorist network is of little comfort. It will never be possible to
entirely prevent attacks by radicalized individuals -- unless Germany
becomes a total surveillance state. And no one can want that."

"Even among the radical Salafists -- who form only a minority of Muslims --
only a very few are willing to use violence. The debate (about combating
terror) is a difficult one in which shrill voices can quickly gain the upper
hand ... But the issue has to be discussed. Simply ignoring the problem does
not work."

The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes:

"The first deadly attack with an Islamist motive in Germany comes at a time
of transition. Newly appointed Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich had
just been sworn in when he already had to express his shock and sorrow about
the murder of two Allied soldiers at Frankfurt Airport and to assure both
Americans and Germans that the incident would be quickly cleared up."

"Contrary to what some people like to continually predict, there can be no
talk of Germans panicking in the face of a terrorist threat. Interior
Minister Friedrich managed to make his difficult first appearance a
successful one by emphasizing that there is no reason to increase the police
presence across the country."

"Friedrich also showed self-confidence when he repeated -- on this day of
all days -- his criticism of President Wulff's (October 2010) statement,
saying there is no historical evidence for the claim that Islam belongs to
Germany. Whatever the case may be, Friedrich is now the interior minister,
and part of his job is helping to integrate the many Germans who practice
the Muslim faith. Nevertheless, the kind of fundamentalism that showed its
ugly face at Frankfurt Airport cannot be allowed to belong to Germany. It
needs to be fought."

Franz Josef Wagner, a columnist for the mass-circulation daily Bild, writes:

"Dear American soldiers, your president is shocked, and we are, too. Two of
your comrades became victims of Islamist violence at Frankfurt Airport, and
two other soldiers are in critical condition. The perpetrator reportedly
shouted 'Allahu Akbar!' ('God is great!') as he attacked you. It is the
first Islamist attack in Germany."

"The terrible thing about this attack if that it is so close to our normal
life. … The awful truth of the Frankfurt attack is that nobody is safe any

-- David Gordon Smith




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