Top 10 Islamapologists in the Obama Administration

Posted By Lisa Graas On March 13, 2011 

In his testimony <>  before the
Homeland Security Committee's hearing on the potential radicalization of the
Muslim community in America, Muslim reformer Dr. Zuhdi Jasser warned
<>  of the dangers of political
Islam and of the unwillingness of many to address the problem of
radicalization. It is the primary job of the president of the United States
to enforce the laws of the land and to provide security within the borders
of America. This also means that there can be no security in America as long
as the White House fails to recognize that there is an element within Islam
that seeks to destroy us.

It is very troubling to find the White House taking a lead role as apologist
for any religion, but especially for Islam. It is not within the realm of
the president's duty to decide and to proclaim for us all what Islam is and
what it is not. Unfortunately, the White House has stepped up to the plate
to emphatically defend this religion from all who may dare criticize it. We
present for you now, the top ten Islamapologists in the Obama


#10 Tim Geithner Oversees Taxpayer-Funded Sharia.

Tim Geithner <>  may not
'precisely' be called an 'Islamapologist'. More appropriately, he is a
financier of it <>
..using your money <>
. Taxpayer money funds Sharia-compliant banking
Dont%20Ask%20the.html>  through the AIG bailout.

A U.S. Marine who served in Iraq is suing the federal government for
distributing billions of dollars in taxpayer funds to the Shariah-supporting
American International Group.

The lawsuit, Murray v. Geithner et al., was brought against the Fed and the
Treasury by the Thomas More Law Center
<>  on behalf
of Kevin Murray, a former Marine who served honorably in Iraq to defend the
United States from Islamic terrorists.

Murray argues that he is being forced as a taxpayer to contribute to the
propagation of Islamic beliefs and practices predicated upon Shariah law,
which he says is hostile to his Christian religion.

According to the First Amendment, Congress may not make any law respecting
an establishment of religion
<> . This
Administration and a misguided judge
-for-sharia-indoctrination.html>  not only want you to respect Sharia
<> , they've
also made you pay for it
-for-sharia-indoctrination.html> .

[A] federal district judge ruled it is OK for the U.S. government to fund
commercial enterprises that promote the indoctrination of Islamic law, or
Shariah, in the United States.

No one in the Obama Administration, including Tim Geithner, has raised any
kind of public alarm or objection to this. Islamapologetics reaches a new
level when it reaches into your pocket to pay for Sharia Law
<> .

Next: Rasshad Hussein, Obama
administration/2/> 's Voice to the Caliphate

#9 Rasshad Hussein, Obama's Voice to the Caliphate

Rasshad Hussein is the president
l-envoy-organization-islamic-conference> 's Special Envoy to the
Organization of the Islamic Conference
(OIC), the international organization of the 57 Muslim-majority countries
otherwise known as the Ummah
e-bat-yeor> .

The OIC's mission is to unite all Muslims worldwide by rooting them in the
Koran and the Sunnah - the core of traditional Islamic civilization and
values. It aims at strengthening solidarity and cooperation among all its
members, in order to protect the interests of Muslims everywhere and to
galvanize the ummah into a unified body.

The OIC is, as Andrew McCarthy has explained, "the closest thing in the
modern world to a caliphate
carthy?page=1> ".

The caliphate is an institution of imperial Islamic rule under sharia,
Muslim law. Not content with empire, Islam anticipates global hegemony.
Indeed, mainstream Islamic ideology declares that such hegemony is
inevitable, holding to that belief every bit as sincerely as the End of
History crowd holds to its conviction that its values are everyone's values
(and the Muslims are only slightly less willing to brook dissent). For
Muslims, the failure of Allah's creation to submit to the system He has
prescribed is a blasphemy that cannot stand.

Hussein remains in this position, as a voice for President Obama
<>  to
the Ummah
<> ,
despite a troubling background. He was congratulated on his appointment by
two Muslim Brotherhood front groups
ood-front-groups-working-to-destroy-america-from-within-1-2/>  in America:
the Council on American Islamic Relations
Itemid=96>  (CAIR) and the Islamic Society of North America
n-Special-Envoy-to-OIC.aspx>  (ISNA). And that's not all, Muslim Alliance of
North America
(MANA) led by Siraj Wahhaj
<> , who
is believed to be a co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing,
also congratulated
<>  him.

Before a Muslim Brotherhood front group
ood-front-groups-working-to-destroy-america-from-within-1-2/> , the Muslim
Students Association
<> , Rasshad
Hussein made some seriously disturbing statements
l-arian/> . For instance, he defended Sami Al-Arian
<> , a
member <>  of
the terrorist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad
<> . Hussein
initially denied that he had defended Al-Arian, but Politico uncovered the
l-arian/> , forcing him to backtrack
d-past-remarks-defending-terror-suspect/> .

We can only imagine what this man is saying to the Ummah
e-bat-yeor>  about America behind closed doors.

Next: Robert Gates Takes on Extremist Christians in Florida

#8 Robert Gates Takes on Extremist Christians in Florida

In September, 2010, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who is President
Obama's principle advisor in the war against Al Qaeda
<> , decided
to take a more personal addressing
over+burning/3490616/story.html>  a misguided minister in Florida who
insisted that he was going to burn the Qur
<> 'an. We can be reasonably
sure that if the minister were of the Religious Left persuasion and wanted
to burn a stack of or anti-Catholic tracts, or pro-Catholic tracts, or if it
had been a Code Pink
20on%20Terror.html>  activist burning a Bible, Gates would not have

The reason that we can be reasonably sure of that is that the entire reason
Gates gave for addressing the matter was that he (and General Petreaeus)
feared backlash
over+burning/3490616/story.html>  against American soldiers in combat in
<> .
This is an almost impossible thing to believe:  the enemy isn't really all
that mad at us in Afghanistan
<> , but
will get really mad if a Florida preacher burns the Qur
<> 'an? Meanwhile, the
Christian community was expressing more reasonable concerns that should have
been expressed by the White House: backlash against Christians throughout
the Muslim world
<> .

Gates also makes a serious error in judgment in his failure to acknowledge
that the Islamist view is not merely to fight.but to take power as a result
of that fighting. This error in judgment enables Jihad
<> .

The Obama administration mistakenly fixates on the "violent" aspect of
violent Islamic extremism as though the terrorists consider violence an end
in itself. However, the terrorists don't want to remain terrorists; they
want to assume power.

The failure to understand this key point about Islamists has a direct impact
on our ability to respond appropriately to these terrorists. The Islamists
are not fighting America merely because they are angry with us.but because
they wish to establish a caliphate
<> .


#7 Jay Carney Stalls the American People

While the Left pushes the meme
011-3>  that the real extremists are the Tim McVeigh
011-3>  and the minister in Florida who wanted to burn a Qur
<> 'an, they insist that we
not engage in any "profiling" of the Muslim community. White House Press
Secretary Jay Carney, pontificates from on high
ofiling-Muslims/> :

"And we also believe that Muslim Americans are very much part of the
solution here and not the problem." 

How are they part of the solution? Well, though we would agree with him that
Muslims are part of the solution, Jay Carney did not offer any details as
Dr. Jasser did
on-regarding-king-hearings/> .  Carney
ofiling-Muslims/> 'informs' us that the White House is currently working on
a plan to address radicalization and the details on this have not yet been

Let us pause and try to wrap our minds around this for a moment. What we
know from all of this is that the Left may profile Christians, but no one is
allowed to profile the Muslim community - at all. Also, the White House
knows better how to deal with this problem than anyone else at this hearing
does, and just as soon as the White House gets all of that on paper, (put
all of their identity ducks
%3Avfcebs4vcuo&>  in a row?)
they will get back to us.

That has to be one of the most troubling examples of an American
administration telling us, essentially, that they have no idea what they are

Next: Denis McDonough Fights the Peter King
administration/4/> 'Problem' by Attending a Mosque

#6 Denis McDonough Fights the Peter King 'Problem' by Attending a Mosque

On Tuesday, Congressman Peter King held a hearing
on-regarding-king-hearings/>  on the potential for radicalization
on-regarding-king-hearings/>  within the Muslim community and he heard from
a Muslim reformer, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser
on-regarding-king-hearings/> . Before these hearings could begin, however,
White House Deputy Security Advisor Denis McDonough decided to attend a
mosque in Washington, D.C. where he made a curious statement:

"Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism - it is an
important part of promoting peace."

As noted previously, as late as Friday
ofiling-Muslims/> , the White House said there is no report on
radicalization in America. Nothing. They are preparing it and it will be
released when it's ready. In this context, given McDonough's Tuesday
statement, this amounts to a message from the White House that is
essentially along these lines:

We have no idea what causes radicalization of terrorists but we are
absolutely certain that it has nothing to do with Islam.

Logically speaking, that is what the White House is saying to America. We
might ask, how is Islam an "important part of promoting peace" if the White
House has no idea what causes radicalization? As a person of faith, I can
tell you, this is what "faith" in a religion is. Faith is believing in
things that cannot be known solely through the use of reason. The message
from the White House here is that the Administration has "faith" in Islam -
a belief in its transcendent goodness that has no basis in reason.

Some conspiracy theorists believe that the president is a closet-Muslim.
After Friday, I came to understand fairly well that the entire
Administration is now "Muslim", in some sense. They have faith in Islam that
is held quite apart from an examination based on reason. We have a White
House that is in faithful submission to Islam.

#5 Eric Holder Still Can't Say "Radical Islam"

Why is the White House in submission to Islam? If we listen to what Eric
Holder has to say
<>  and combine
it with what we've heard from others I've already mentioned, we can get a
sense of what is going on in the Oval Office at large: dhimmitude
<> .

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder spoke of the ongoing fight to protect
American national security and expressed his growing concern with the threat
of homegrown terror - a danger which he said  "keeps me up at night."

"What I am trying to do in this interview is to make people aware of the
fact that the threat is real, the threat is different, the threat is
constant," Holder [said].

Eric Holder, the primary law enforcement officer of the president, is so
afraid of domestic terrorism that it keeps him up at night, but he refuses
to say <>  that the cause of the
attacks <>  is "radical Islam
<> ". The White House press
secretary refuses to identify the threat as radical Islam. A Deputy Security
Advisor, Denis McDonough, goes to worship in a mosque and exhibits faith in
Islam. A supporter of terror is the White House voice to the caliphate.
America's Secretary of Defense fears that something a man in Florida does
with a Qur'an is going to incite extremist Islamic attacks. Not only that,
we are paying the jizya
(tax) through Geithner and the bailout of AIG with taxpayer funding of
Sharia compliant banking. The Obama Administration is exhibiting dhimmitude
<>  blatantly.

As early as the eighth century, a formal set of rules was created to govern
the relationships between the conquering Muslims and the defeated infidels.
The framework of these regulations is known as "dhimmitude," a term
connoting the lowly legal and social status of Jews and Christians who are
subjected to Islamic rule. Dhimmi was the name applied by the Arab-Muslim
conquerors to the indigenous non-Muslim populations that surrendered by a
treaty (dhimma) to Muslim domination.  A non-Muslim community that is forced
to accept dhimmitude is condemned to live in a system that will protect it
from violent jihad on only one condition: if it is completely subservient to
a Muslim master.

Next: James Clapper: Is Dhimmitude Taking its Toll on His Mind?

#4 James Clapper: Is Dhimmitude Taking its Toll on His Mind?

As White House Director of Intelligence, James Clapper oversees the federal
Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act
ct_of_2004> . It is Clapper's job to know as much as he can possibly know
about terrorism in the United States. Unfortunately, as of late, he's made
too many glaring errors to be considered competent for the job. His
inability to answer even basic questions related to terrorism was noted by
Senator Lindsey Graham who has called for his resignation
kes-must-resign/> . Clapper has said
kes-must-resign/>  that Russia and China - not Iran and North Korea -
represent the largest security threat to America.  He has also said that the
Muslim Brotherhood
ood-front-groups-working-to-destroy-america-from-within-1-2/>  is "largely
kes-must-resign/> ".

Imagine if you will that you were in this man's position, being told
everything there is to know about terrorism in America, and being surrounded
by so many dhimmis
<> , likely
without even knowing for sure what a dhimmi
<>  is.
Wouldn't it take its toll on your mind? Rather than being the most foolish
person in the Obama Administration, it could be that Clapper has been the
most reasonable, and the shock to his reason has pushed him so far off his
game that he's now unable to coherently address the subject. Perhaps we need
to send Clapper to therapy and keep him on so that the healing process of
the Obama Adminstration's denials may begin.

#3 Janet Napolitano: A Useful Idiot for the Caliphate?

Janet Napolitano, head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in 2009
busied herself with targeting politically conservative citizens
icals-on-right/>  to monitor for "extremist" activity and the potential for
"radicalization", even wrongly tracking
<>  pro-life groups. In
November of that same year, it was a radicalized Muslim, not a radicalized
Bible teacher, who shook America to the core by murdering 13 American
<>  at
Fort Hood, Texas. Nearly one month later, Janet Napolitano finally offered a
o-realize-theres-a-jihad-on-us-soil.html>  that might be characterized as a
threat alert
o-realize-theres-a-jihad-on-us-soil.html> , though she still would not use
the word "terror" to describe it. Two months after that, Napolitano finally
used the word
-highest-since-911.html> "terror" and "violent Islamic extremism
<> " in her
reporting on the threat to America and the attack at Fort Hood. However, the
Fort Hood soldiers have yet to receive Purple Hearts
11/mar/11/fort-hood-revisited-whats-name/>  because the Obama Administration
as a whole, including Janet Napolitano, does not recognize it as a combat
incident in the War on Terror.

The Administration, you see, takes the same basic position as the Fort Hood
attacker, Nidal Hassan
<> , on
what the "War on Terror" means
<> .

In late 2008, while working towards a graduate degree at the military's
health sciences university, Hasan gave a Power Point presentation titled
"Why the War on Terror is a War on Islam."

Nidal Hasan, Janet Napolitano and others on the Left need to understand that
no matter how much Christians, Jews and others disagree with Islam, we are
in no way "at War with Islam". It would be preposterous for America to go to
war with Islam, or any other religion. The reason it would be preposterous
is that America was founded on the Judeo-Christian view, not the Muslim
Brotherhood view <> , of freedom
and justice. As we can see from the attack at Fort Hood by Nidal Hasan,
America is at war with "radical Islam", not "Islam", even though Janet
Napolitano and others in the White House, including President Obama, will
not face that reality.

Having said that, Jews, Christians, atheists, Wiccans, agnostics and pagans
of various views all have the freedom in America to stand up and say "Islam
is wrong" or "Islam is evil" or "Islam is a blight", if that's what they
believe. Muslims, too, have every right to speak out openly about their
beliefs in our national discourse, because in America we believe in freedom
to disagree, freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, and freedom of
speech. Unfortunately, the Left can't seem to distinguish anymore between
"speech" and "murder" on the scale of justice. It is precisely this
emselves/>  in the area of speech, violence and justice that those who
oppose political, radical Islam cannot say so in a university
emselves/>  without having security check-points.
emselves/> "Speech" that dissents from the Left is "War" to the Left. It is
for this reason that Janet Napolitano has targeted conservatieve Americans
as terror threats <> , while
terror-supporting organizations
<>  in
the Muslim community are given a pass and considered part of the solution
d-cairs-demands-for-muslim-women-in-airports-including-the.html> .

Next: Hillary Clinton Embraces Those Who Seek to Destroy Freedom

#2 Hillary Clinton Embraces Those Who Seek to Destroy Freedom

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton
<>  is the
top diplomat from America to the world. It is her duty to ensure that
America's security is not compromised, particularly in the area of how
America is perceived by the rest of the world. Clinton is widely adored in
the Democratic Party
<> ,
and Democrats in the White House surely hold her in high esteem. It would
not be taking a leap to suggest that much of America's policy on dealing
with radical Islam within our own borders is at least consistent with how
Secretary Clinton
<>  deals
with it in her capacity as chief diplomat.

Secretary Clinton has welcomed
lim-brotherhood-egyptian-politics-state-hillary>  the Muslim Brotherhood
<> 's
participation in Egypt's political process and issued the lifting of a ban
on visas <>
for terror-supporting Islamists. She has also met with
Peace-in-Jerusalem.aspx>  the extremist Muslim Brotherhood front group
ood-front-groups-working-to-destroy-america-from-within-1-2/>  Islamic
Society of North America
regarding "peace with Israel" and has spoken at a Saudi-funded college
<>  that was founded by a terrorist
<> . Last but not least, our secretary of
state has requested to meet
-the-search-for-moderate-islam/>  with Islamist extremist Anwar Ibrahim
<> . Here at
home, she addressed a pro-"Palestinian" dinner that we rightly acknowledge
as akin to a terror state gala
ala/>  .

Certainly, security in America is threatened with the Obama Administration
so committed to accepting radical Muslims as legitimate "partners" in
addressing the threat of radical Islam. Offering legitimacy to those who
universally support the destruction of Christians, Jews and others who are
non-Muslim is precisely the opposite strategy we should be employing in
preventing their destruction.

administration/7/>  Barack Obama: Muslim Apologist in Chief

#1 Barack Obama: Islamapologist-in-Chief

Some people on the Right push the idea that Obama secretly is a Muslim. What
they apparently don't understand is that it does not matter. What does
matter is whether or not he is in possession of, or within reach of, the
vision necessary to adequately address the problem of "violent Islamic
extremism <>
" in America and abroad. Clearly, in every intellectual avenue he has chosen
to travel, and in every message sent by his Cabinet related to this matter,
the message has been sent that Islam is inherently good and that it
transcends reason and/or justice for anyone to be critical of it.

>From Indonesia, to Pakistan, to the troubling theology and political views
preached by his pastor Jeremiah Wright
<> ,
Barack Obama has embraced not "Islam" but rather a radical leftist
20Rules.html>  pro-Islam view. Because of this, he has staffed his
Administration with other radical leftist
20Rules.html>  Islamapologists and/or useful radical idiots
<> .
None of these people have the slightest idea what they are dealing with in
Islam because they have for so long accepted it as a given that Islam is
inherently good. Meanwhile, the radical leftist view of "justice" has always
perceived the mainstream Judeo-Christian view of justice to be the problem
<> , not
the solution. Socialism is the radical leftist
"solution" to the Judeo-Christian ethic upon which America was founded
<> .

President Obama's vision has been supported by radical Muslims
<>  and is
framed within the worldview which he was presented with
<>  as a child
and beyond. Because of this, we may never be able to penetrate the internal
intellectual walls he has erected which will naturally push out any notion
that his own personally held vision
<> , though he
does not embrace it as his personal religious faith, is somehow conducive to

In short, the Obama Administration fails to see the problem precisely due to
the fact that if they look at the problem directly, they will see their own
ugly reflections staring back at them.


Follow Lisa Graas <>  on Twitter and visit
her blog  at <> 


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