Ghadry: Assad Will Fall, But the Brotherhood May Follow 

Monday, 06 June 2011 19:39 IPT News 

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The wave of unrest sweeping Syria will drive President Bashar Assad from
power and severely weaken the Islamist regime in Tehran, a prominent
dissident predicts. "It is a certainty the Assad regime will fall," said
Farid Ghadry <> ,
president of the Reform Party of Syria <>  (RPS).

Ghadry, currently living in the United States, closely monitors the
situation in his native land through a network of contacts there. He said
his organization is getting reports that Syrian security men appear tired
and demoralized and have reached "levels of mental and physical fatigue they
are not prepared for."

Assad_Falls_Muslim_Brotherhood_RisesSyrian forces killed
b2Vw?docId=CNG.e31de2f5f7f70b7510c33a41ef0d1826.831>  as many as 40 people
during weekend clashes and human rights groups say the total death toll
during three months of unrest is more than 1,100 people. A new online video
shows Syrian soldiers joking over the bodies
<,7340,L-4079027,00.html> of some of those
killed."Your father told you to watch out," one soldier says over the body
of someone with a head wound, "but you didn't."

There are also reports
n-soldiers-who-refuse-to-fire-on-civilians-are-being-shot/1>  like this
<>  which
say that Syrian soldiers who have refused to kill demonstrators have been
gunned down on the spot. Recent pictures show Syrian soldiers looking
"exhausted, like they haven't slept for days," Ghadry said.

"No regime can sustain itself for long with its security men always on
alert, its government under siege, and its economy getting worse by the
day," he told the Investigative Project on Terrorism. "The real question is
how it will fall and who will replace it."

The current turmoil in Syria (the most serious domestic threat to the regime
since it suppressed a violent rebellion by the Muslim Brotherhood close to
30 years ago) is potentially very troubling for Assad's top ally, the
Islamist government in Tehran.

The international community's failure to effectively respond to Iran's rogue
behavior such as its support for terrorism has created the impression in the
Middle East that the Islamic Republic is "invincible," Ghadry said.

He predicted this situation would undergo a dramatic change if Assad and the
Ba'athists were driven from power. Regime change in Syria would deal a major
blow to jihadist terror networks and state sponsors, potentially
jeopardizing Iranian weapons shipments to organizations like Hizballah,
Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. "Many of the Iranian opposition figures
I have talked to have indicated that if Syria [Assad] falls, Iran will
follow," he said, with that radical regime replaced by a government
committed to "freedom and democracy."

But the path forward will be violent and bloody. Ghadry says that more than
1,100 people have been killed by the Assad regime since public protests
began in late March, with 4,000 others injured in a brutal campaign of
torture and mass murder
<> .
There are reports that government forces, worried about the possibility that
mass graves could eventually be found as was the case after Saddam Hussein
was toppled  <> in Iraq,
have been disposing of their victims bydumping their bodies into the sea
s-in-the-sea-report> .

In his efforts to crush dissent within Syria, Assad has brought in Iranian
advisers including members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
and its elite Qods Force. In June 2009, the IRGC played a key role in the
Iranian regime's bloody crackdown
against citizens protesting falsified election results. Given Tehran's
success in suppressing peaceful dissent in 2009, Assad is hopeful that
Iranian help will enable him to crack down in Syria. Iran has shipped
riot-control gear and computer equipment to the Assad regime. The Syrian
government is using the latter to target regime critics.

Ghadry pointed to a recent Washington Post story
g-syrian-crackdown/2011/05/27/AGUJe0CH_print.html> describing how Iran is
helping Assad maintain his hold on power. The story noted that in March,
Assad announced "with great fanfare" that he was lifting Syria's ban on the
use of social media like Facebook and YouTube. It was portrayed as a
"reform," but was nothing of the kind. In reality, it gave Assad and his
Iranian allies a critical tool for tracking down and arresting leaders of
Syria's protest movement.

In Syria, the IRGC is "leading the effort to oppress the population," Ghadry
said. The Assad regime saw what it did in Iran in 2009 and said, "OK, you
handle it" when it comes to targeting dissenters in Syria, he told the IPT.

Ghadry criticized Secretary of State Hillary Clinton'ssuggestion
<>  that
Assad is a "reformer," saying that her comments are interpreted by Syrians
as "supporting" the Syrian government and its oppressive policies. He
believes that Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry, who
has reportedly pressed Israel to relinquish the Golan Heights to Assad, is
making a mistake.

Assad "is not interested in peace," Ghadry said. He said it is "delusional"
to think Israel can achieve genuine peace with a violent regime in Damascus
that is simply interested in clinging to power.

In the Shadows, the Muslim Brotherhood Lurks

Ghadry, a Muslim, was born in Aleppo, Syria in 1954. When he was a boy, his
family moved to Beirut to escape political turmoil in Syria. In 1975,
shortly after the Lebanese Civil War broke out, the family emigrated to the
United States and settled in the Washington, D.C. area. Ghadry became a U.S.
citizen in 1982.

In October 2001, Ghadry joined fellow American Syrians in forming the RPS
with the intent of replacing the Ba'athist Party dictatorship in Damascus.
The party's mission statement
-syria>  calls for replacing the Assad regime with a multiparty democracy
and for removal of weapons of mass destruction from Syria. The RPS
"welcome[s] peoples of all races, religions, and affiliations in our party
as long as they do not practice violence and they separate religion from
their political lives."

As he looks towards the future, Ghadry does not mince words about the Muslim
Brotherhood, which seeks to dominate the opposition movement in Syria. He
notes that U.S. policy may be helping the Brotherhood's efforts to
marginalize non-Islamist opposition to Assad. According toWikiLeaks
osition-groups> , since 2005 between $6 million and $12 million in U.S.
funds went to Syrian opposition groups. Much of this money went to the
Movement For Justice and Development
<> in Syria (MJD), an organization
reportedly headed by former Muslim Brotherhood members.

The money apparently was funneled through the State Department's Middle East
Partnership Initiative <> . "I cannot
tell what our diplomats are doing," Ghadry told the IPT. "Are they doing
this to understand the MB, which would be a smart move, or have they really
fallen under the spell of the Islamists with their Western appearance and
sweet words? That kind of naivete does exist in some of our diplomats,
unfortunately. Out of the wrong sense of historical perspective, they fall
prey to the very same people we should all unite to defend ourselves

Ghadry believes that U.S. government priorities are skewed. Instead of
funding non-Islamist Muslims, Washington has been directing money to
Islamists he refers to as "young MB-lite" - people who will be swept aside
if Brotherhood operatives come to power in Damascus. These people "will be
eaten alive by the real MB upon their return to Syria," he said. If the West
thinks "that this new generation of young Islamists represents Syria's
future, then the region is in trouble."

But Zuhdi Jasser, founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy
<>  (AIFD) and Save Syria Now
<> !, emphasizes that it would be a mistake to
"allow valid concerns about what may come after to prevent us from acting
against Assad." Secular dictatorships like the Ba'athist government in Syria
"create the conditions which bring the Muslim Brotherhood into power," said
Jasser, the American-born son of Syrian parents.

Like Ghadry, Jasser believes that Assad will fall. But the violence could
drag on for months before that happens. One reason is that the Syrian
military leadership is heavily implicated in Assad's crimes. "They know they
will be on trial for crimes against humanity if the regime falls," Jasser
told the IPT. But these people on the streets cannot go back home, either,
because they face execution by the government, he said.

Jasser expressed doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood will be able to seize
power in Syria, and predicts the group would be soundly defeated in any
democratic election there. One benefit of this development would be to make
clear to the Egyptian people "that the Brotherhood could not come to power
in a free election."

Ghadry urges the Obama Administration to take action "to empower the liberal
and secular leaders" to prevent a repeat of what happened following the 1979
Iranian Revolution that toppled the Shah. Many members of the coalition that
overthrew the monarchy were liberal and pro-democratic. But they were swept
aside by Islamist revolutionaries aligned with the Ayatollah Khomeini. That
scenario will repeat itself in Syria if the Brotherhood takes power, Ghadry

He urged European governments and the United States to choose carefully how
they spend the $40 billion theyrecently agreed to spend
> on "Arab Spring" movements. If the money goes to Islamist groups like the
Brotherhood, "these funds will indirectly be used against Europe by
Islamists who want their opponents to emigrate to Europe in droves. I cannot
emphasize to the Europeans how important it is for the EU to support liberal
and secular groups, as opposed to the Islamists."

One potential wild card is Turkey's Islamist Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan, a close ally of the Muslim Brotherhood and until recently a
political ally of Assad. Recently, Erdogan has questioned
<>  whether Assad
was genuinely prepared to make "reforms." Ghadry believes that after Turkey
holds elections on June 12, Erdogan may try to lean on the Muslim
Brotherhood to reach an accommodation with Damascus.

To Ghadry, a government dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood or a
continuation of the Assad dictatorship would be disastrous for the Syrian
people. And they would also be bad news for the United States and the
Western, democratic world.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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