Hi everyone,

We are starting to use OSRM in a research project for autonomous drones. The 
drones should normally fly along existing paths (i.e. ways from OpenStreetMap). 
But there are situations where the drone needs to fly without a path between 
two nodes (as it otherwise would have to make a detour of many kilometres).

We have a custom profile that works well for routing along the kind of paths we 
want to route along. But is there any way that we can tell OSRM to just go from 
one node to another close-by node without a path?

So far the only idea is a bit of a hack: add a new type of path between all 
close-by nodes and add this type of path to the profile (with a lower speed, 
enabling its use but discouraging it).

Any other ideas?

Any inputs/ideas/pointers are appreciated!

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