Hi Peter,

Your rule looks good to me. If you can show us the log that you want
to match, it
may be easier to improve it a bit more. The only change I would do is
to use an id
above >100,000 since these are reserved for local rules.

Hope it helps.

Daniel B. Cid
dcid ( at ) ossec.net

On 8/31/07, Peter M. Abraham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings:
> I was investigating Apache segmentation faults on one of the servers
> monitored by ossec 1.3, and found that right before the segmentation
> fault was a hack attempt against shtml.dll (a FrontPage component).
> I created the following rule in /var/ossec/rules/local_rules.xml
> <group name="apache-custom,">
>   <rule id="90100" level="12">
>     <if_sid>30101</if_sid>
>     <match>shtml.dll</match>
>     <description>Possible FrontPage hack attempt</description>
>   </rule>
> </group>
> The "if_sid" is based on "Apache error messages grouped" as this error
> occurs in the Apache error log.
> Did I write the rule correctly?  Are there any recommended changes?
> Thank you.

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