Today, we thank Daniel Cid for creating OSSEC.

Daniel has been working on OSSEC for a long time now. He started on it
long before being snatched up by Third Brigade, having already put
thousands of hours into the project. He chose to make it free and open so
everyone could benefit.

Some interesting features of the plaque:

-The date of the alert is the day it was presented to him. The time is the
current repo's first check in at 1127488204 (Fri, 23 Sep 2005 15:10:04 GMT)

-The log name of communitylog and hostname of allhosts represent the great
community that surrounds OSSEC
-Of course, the rule number is meaningful in that it is the first rule in
the user space
-Nothing other than a level 15 alert...
-Notice the new daemon, ossec-awardd :)
-The PID is the alpha representation of Daniel's initials (d=4,b=2,c=3)
-The log is fairly well-formatted for parsing and is an RFC-compliant

Please join me in thanking Daniel for providing this free software as a
service to the community.

[I] Immutable Security
Information Security, Privacy and Personal Liberty

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