On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 12:56 PM, lucas kauffman
<lucas.kauff...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm quite new to OSSEC, and there are two things I can't find out:
> How do I increase the frequency of the rule when someone is blocked because
> of a 400 error (failed to login through htaccess in Apache2). I looked for
> the rule, but it doesn't show a frequency, is there a default frequency ?

If a rule doesn't mention a frequency only 1 occurrence  is enough to
trigger it.

To add a frequency you would either overwrite the rule (adding a
frequency), or if_sid the old rule to a new one with a frequency.

> Also if an IP is blocked, how can I unblock it through ossec ? Or do I have
> to do it manually and delete the entries for hosts.deny and iptables ?
> Thank you !

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