I would like to do that, BUT that just doesn't work. I asked for that feature 
in previous mails and the recommendation was to override rules.

Check out: 

On 06.02.2012, at 16:34, Daniel Cid wrote:

> Hey,
> I see the issue in there. You overwrote the rule 30109, which is an atomic 
> rule
> dependent on the 30101 (<if_sid>30101</if_sid>).
> You modified it to be a composite rule and OSSEC didn't like that. It
> should have
> warned that you can't use the overwrite to modify a rule from
> atomic->composite and
> vice-versa.
> In your case, you are better putting that rule as dependent (using
> <if_matched_sid>30109) then overwriting it.
> Thanks,
> --
> Daniel B. Cid
> daniel....@gmail.com

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