Hi Chris,

You mention logstash and Splunk, but have you looked at ELSA?


On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 8:45 PM, Decker Christopher
<ch...@chris-decker.com> wrote:
> All,
> I'm running MySQL + Apache/PHP on a very beefy box but using the out-of-box
> OSSEC DB schemas I'm experiencing significant latency pulling the alerts
> from the DB.  I use the excellent OSSEC viewer (using Ext
> JS) [http://code.google.com/p/ossecdb-extjs/] to look at the last 30 days or
> so of alerts, and typically filter based on alert level.  I'm not really
> performing complex queries, I'm merely trying to keep an eye on my servers
> and react as necessary.  That said, I do like to keep all of the older
> alerts "on-line" to perform basic research when the need arises.
> I'm not a MySQL expert nor do I have any desire to be one, but timely
> queries of my alerts is important to me--please help!  The areas I'm
> currently researching and would love to hear from other OSSEC users (after
> all, I'm not looking to re-invent the wheel here):
> Partitioning scheme.  I'm looking for something that automatically creates
> partitions for each month of the year (i.e. 12 per year; when we move into a
> new month the new partition is created automatically).  For now, the best
> tutorial I could find was here:
> http://www.kickingtyres.com/words/mysql/mysql-partition-management/
> Modifications to the existing indexes.  The current indexes looked fine to
> me, given that most of my queries are simply based on timestamp and alert
> level, but I thought I'd ask.
> I already know that there are some general optimizations I can make to MySQL
> that will help alleviate some of my issues, but the above areas are also of
> interest to me.
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris
> P.s.  Some may read my post and wonder why I'm not using logstash or Splunk.
>  logstash is great for queries but generally difficult to read/use for
> casual log reviewing (IMHO)--I am considering standing it up for more
> complex searching in the future.  Splunk has great search capabilities and I
> like the overall interface, but is not open source (and I think I'll
> eventually hit the 500 MB/day ceiling), requires Flash to view any graphs
> (seems counter-productive given all of the security issues the plugin has!)
> and splunkd has crashed quite frequently on me.

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