You can try to use Windows Auditing like Scott suggests, but it's a mess 
and usually results with gobs of noise in the security log.

My company sells a file auditing product for Windows (and PCI) and if this 
is a short-term problem, you might be able to get away with just using the 
trial.  You can get the 21 day trial here:


On Tuesday, November 20, 2012 8:51:50 AM UTC-6, stones2125 wrote:
> I am new to OSSEC and have been trying to figure out how to do the 
> following...if possible.
> - When a file changes on a Windows server, how do I see the username of 
> the person who changed it.
> - How do I see the actual changes (lines of text)
> I get the alert that shows the file checksum changed, but need more info.

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