
I have an OSSEC Server receiving IIS logs from several servers via agent 


*  <localfile>    <location>PATH/W3SVCx/u_ex%y%m%d%H.log</location>    
<log_format>iis</log_format>  </localfile>*

Everything works like a charm. However, some of my IIS logs are longer than 
usual (more than 1256 chars long). When this happens, Alerts are equally 
(and correctly) generated but alert.log doesn't contain the full log line, 
only 1256. The rest is cutted (including Client IP which is at the end of 
the log).

When I run ossec-logtest, I can see that the log is correctly passed 
decoded/tested and the alert is correctly generated. However if I pass only 
1256 chars of the same log line, decoder will fail and it will give me a 
standard rule output e.g. "Access log messages grouped." with no error. 
This gives me the impression that the limitation is somewhere on the 
ossec-analysis output. 

Does anyone ever run into something like this?
Is there any size value I can change to correct this?

Thanks in advance!


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