I'll sent a pull request as soon as posible to ossec-hids, I would like to 
include some few options before sending it.

On Thursday, February 25, 2016 at 8:18:57 PM UTC+1, thak wrote:
> Interesting. We maintain a few compliance standards (not PCI) so I will 
> look into it for sure. 
> On Thursday, February 25, 2016 at 1:53:36 PM UTC-5, Pedro S wrote:
>> You are welcome! I'll upload it into some website or repository folder.
>> It is some simple but works, in the future I will extract too the PCI 
>> compliance requirement of every rule. If you need the rules with PCI 
>> requirements groups try out Wazuh Ruleset.
>> Regards,
>> Pedro S.
>> On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 7:42 PM, thak <tha.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Whoa, that's awesome! Thanks sir. 
>>> On Thursday, February 25, 2016 at 7:15:45 AM UTC-5, Pedro S wrote:
>>>> Hi thak,
>>>> I made a quick Python script that can help you out. It lists all the 
>>>> rules on */var/ossec/rules. *Output example:
>>>> mailscanner_rules.xml - Rule 3751 - Level 6 -> Multiple attempts of 
>>>> spam.
>>>> hordeimp_rules.xml - Rule 9300 - Level 0 -> Grouping for the Horde imp 
>>>> rules.
>>>> hordeimp_rules.xml - Rule 9301 - Level 0 -> Horde IMP informational 
>>>> message.
>>>> apache_rules.xml - Rule 30412 - Level 6 -> Shellshock attack attempt
>>>> roundcube_rules.xml - Rule 9400 - Level 0 -> Roundcube messages groupe.d
>>>> Working with Python 2.7.6
>>>> #!/usr/bin/python
>>>> # Rules list
>>>> # pe...@wazuh.com
>>>> import sys
>>>> import re
>>>> import os
>>>> *rules_directory = "/var/ossec/rules/"*
>>>> def GetRulesList(fulldir, filename):
>>>>     rule_detected = 0
>>>>     rule_description = 0
>>>>     level = ""
>>>>     sidid = ""
>>>>     description = ""
>>>>     pattern_idlevel = re.compile(r'<rule id="(.+?)".+level="(.+?)"')
>>>>     pattern_description = 
>>>> re.compile(r'<description>(.+?)</description>')
>>>>     pattern_endrule = re.compile(r'</rule>')
>>>>     try:
>>>>         with open(fulldir) as f:
>>>>             lines = f.readlines()
>>>>             for line in lines:
>>>>                 if rule_detected == 0:
>>>>                     match = re.findall(pattern_idlevel, line)
>>>>                     if match:
>>>>                         rule_detected = 1
>>>>                         sidid = match[0][0]
>>>>                         level = match[0][1]
>>>>                 else:
>>>>                     if rule_description == 0:
>>>>                         match = re.findall(pattern_description, line)
>>>>                         if match:
>>>>                             rule_description = 1
>>>>                             description = match[0]
>>>>                     if rule_description == 1:
>>>>                         match = re.findall(pattern_endrule, line)
>>>>                         if match:
>>>>                             print "%s - Rule %s - Level %s -> %s" % 
>>>> (filename,sidid,level,description)
>>>>                             rule_detected = 0
>>>>                             rule_description = 0
>>>>                             level = ""
>>>>                             sidid = ""
>>>>                             description = ""
>>>>     except EnvironmentError: 
>>>>            print ("Error: OSSEC rules directory does not appear to 
>>>> exist")
>>>> if __name__ == "__main__":
>>>>     print ("Reading rules from directory %s") % (rules_directory)
>>>>     for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(rules_directory):
>>>>         for filename in filenames:
>>>>             if filename[-4:] == ".xml":
>>>>                 GetRulesList(os.path.join(root,filename), filename)
>>>> Hope it help, regards,
>>>> Pedro S.
>>>> On Monday, February 22, 2016 at 4:38:43 PM UTC+1, thak wrote:
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> On Monday, February 22, 2016 at 10:27:21 AM UTC-5, dan (ddpbsd) wrote:
>>>>>> On Feb 22, 2016 10:22 AM, "thak" <tha.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > What's the best way to get a list of the rules, ideally by rule # 
>>>>>> and short descriptive name (e.g., like the alerts..."Rule: 5403 fired 
>>>>>> (level 4) -> "First time user executed sudo."). I need a list to update 
>>>>>> some security and compliance documentation prior to an upcoming audit. 
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> All of the rules are available in the /var/ossec/rules directory. I 
>>>>>> don't think it would be too difficult to write a script to grab the 
>>>>>> names 
>>>>>> and ids.
>>>>>> > -- 
>>>>>> >
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