I’d give Wazuh a whirl, if I were you. They’ve got decoders and rules for 
sysmon, as well as eventchannel working (or I assume they do, if they have that 
stuff setup for sysmon). 


My current decoder/rule development server and agents have been around long 
enough that I don’t recall what sort of Frankenstein mixture of agent and 
server versions I am running. Now that I think back on it, I’m fairly certain I 
had to track down a fixed version of the Windows agent in the listserv archives 
to make 2.8.3 work. 


From: ossec-list@googlegroups.com [mailto:ossec-list@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Craig Mitchell
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 7:13 PM
To: ossec-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [ossec-list] eventchannel decoder testing


Thanks for the input! I'll take a closer look at 2.8.3 but the whole reason I 
was looking at 2.9RC2 was because it supported the eventchannel log type. From 
what I understand, 2.8.x had trouble with this and therefore had trouble with 
sysmon. Has that been your experience with 2.8.3? Thanks again everyone for the 


On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 8:49 PM, lostinthetubez <lostinthetu...@gmail.com 
<mailto:lostinthetu...@gmail.com> > wrote:



Hm... I just now noticed your exact symptoms while playing with a test OSSEC 
server that was created from a relatively recent git clone of the repository 
(cloned within the last month or two?). Take a look at your original output of 
ossec-logtest, under “Prepended Data Removed”. Look at the parsed “log:” field. 
Ossec-logtest is stripping “2016 Jul 29 22:32:24 WinEvtLog:” before processing 
it against the decoders. It isn’t supposed to be doing this. At least, this was 
not the behavior under 2.8.3. I do not have time to test the latest build from 
the repo to see if this problem has been fixed, though you might give that a 
whirl if you have the luxury of time. If you just want to make things work 
correctly, build your OSSEC server from the last known-good release, which is 
2.8.3, or just follow Jesus’ suggestion and try out the Wazuh build.



From: ossec-list@googlegroups.com <mailto:ossec-list@googlegroups.com>  
[mailto:ossec-list@googlegroups.com <mailto:ossec-list@googlegroups.com> ] On 
Behalf Of Craig
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2016 3:14 PM
To: ossec-list <ossec-list@googlegroups.com 
<mailto:ossec-list@googlegroups.com> >
Subject: Re: [ossec-list] eventchannel decoder testing


Great, thank you. That does help troubleshoot. So, I do have a follow up 
question. Here is the default decoder:


<decoder name="Sysmon-EventID#1">



  <regex offset="after_prematch">Image: (\.*) \s*CommandLine: \.* \s*User: 
(\.*) \s*LogonGuid: \S* \s*LogonId: \S* \s*TerminalSessionId: \S* 
\s*IntegrityLevel: \.*HashType: \S* \s*Hash: (\S*) \s*ParentProcessGuid: \S* 
\s*ParentProcessID: \S* \s*ParentImage: (\.*) \s*ParentCommandLine:</regex>




However, when I remove the prepended data from my archives.log file and send it 
through logtest, the decoder doesn't work (if I leave the prepended data there, 
the decoder works). Any ideas why this might be happening? See below for my 


Prepended Data Removed:


**Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.

       full event: '2016 Jul 29 22:32:24 WinEvtLog: 
Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational: INFORMATION(1): Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon: 
SYSTEM: NT AUTHORITY: Win7-x64-PC1.hackme.local: Process Create:  UtcTime: 
2016-07-30 03:32:24.846  ProcessGuid: {67C360F4-1FC8-579C-0000-001017F41E00}  
ProcessId: 3988  Image: C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\svchost.exe  
CommandLine: "C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\svchost.exe"   CurrentDirectory: 
C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\  User: HACKME\Administrator  LogonGuid: 
{67C360F4-1C55-579C-0000-00206BBC0600}  LogonId: 0x6bc6b  TerminalSessionId: 1  
IntegrityLevel: High  Hashes: MD5=C019D10F80409FC4C7D45EBFA48B0076  
ParentProcessGuid: {67C360F4-1C57-579C-0000-001092EC0600}  ParentProcessId: 
3056  ParentImage: C:\Windows\explorer.exe  ParentCommandLine: 

       hostname: 'ubuntu-srv1'

       program_name: 'WinEvtLog'

       log: 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational: INFORMATION(1): 
Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon: SYSTEM: NT AUTHORITY: Win7-x64-PC1.hackme.local: 
Process Create:  UtcTime: 2016-07-30 03:32:24.846  ProcessGuid: 
{67C360F4-1FC8-579C-0000-001017F41E00}  ProcessId: 3988  Image: 
C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\svchost.exe  CommandLine: 
"C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\svchost.exe"   CurrentDirectory: 
C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\  User: HACKME\Administrator  LogonGuid: 
{67C360F4-1C55-579C-0000-00206BBC0600}  LogonId: 0x6bc6b  TerminalSessionId: 1  
IntegrityLevel: High  Hashes: MD5=C019D10F80409FC4C7D45EBFA48B0076  
ParentProcessGuid: {67C360F4-1C57-579C-0000-001092EC0600}  ParentProcessId: 
3056  ParentImage: C:\Windows\explorer.exe  ParentCommandLine: 


**Phase 2: Completed decoding.

       No decoder matched.


Prepended Data Intact:


**Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.

       full event: '2016 Jul 29 22:32:25 (WIN7-X64-PC1)>WinEvtLog 
2016 Jul 29 22:32:24 WinEvtLog: Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational: 
INFORMATION(1): Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon: SYSTEM: NT AUTHORITY: 
Win7-x64-PC1.hackme.local: Process Create:  UtcTime: 2016-07-30 03:32:24.846  
ProcessGuid: {67C360F4-1FC8-579C-0000-001017F41E00}  ProcessId: 3988  Image: 
C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\svchost.exe  CommandLine: 
"C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\svchost.exe"   CurrentDirectory: 
C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\  User: HACKME\Administrator  LogonGuid: 
{67C360F4-1C55-579C-0000-00206BBC0600}  LogonId: 0x6bc6b  TerminalSessionId: 1  
IntegrityLevel: High  Hashes: MD5=C019D10F80409FC4C7D45EBFA48B0076  
ParentProcessGuid: {67C360F4-1C57-579C-0000-001092EC0600}  ParentProcessId: 
3056  ParentImage: C:\Windows\explorer.exe  ParentCommandLine: 

       hostname: '(WIN7-X64-PC1)'

       program_name: '(null)'

       log: '>WinEvtLog 2016 Jul 29 22:32:24 WinEvtLog: 
Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational: INFORMATION(1): Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon: 
SYSTEM: NT AUTHORITY: Win7-x64-PC1.hackme.local: Process Create:  UtcTime: 
2016-07-30 03:32:24.846  ProcessGuid: {67C360F4-1FC8-579C-0000-001017F41E00}  
ProcessId: 3988  Image: C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\svchost.exe  
CommandLine: "C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\svchost.exe"   CurrentDirectory: 
C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\  User: HACKME\Administrator  LogonGuid: 
{67C360F4-1C55-579C-0000-00206BBC0600}  LogonId: 0x6bc6b  TerminalSessionId: 1  
IntegrityLevel: High  Hashes: MD5=C019D10F80409FC4C7D45EBFA48B0076  
ParentProcessGuid: {67C360F4-1C57-579C-0000-001092EC0600}  ParentProcessId: 
3056  ParentImage: C:\Windows\explorer.exe  ParentCommandLine: 


**Phase 2: Completed decoding.

       decoder: 'Sysmon-EventID#1'





On Friday, July 29, 2016 at 11:22:46 AM UTC-5, LostInThe Tubez wrote:

Delving into Sysmon event log parsing reveals just how monumental a task it is 
to parse out useful information from Windows event logs. The challenge is that 
nearly each and every Event ID has a different log format, which essentially 
means that almost every Event ID needs its own decoder... I may be waxing a 
little dramatic here, but the point is that to properly parse Windows logs, the 
original decoder needs to be made more generic and LOTS more child decoders 
need to be developed. At least, that is the approach I took, personally. Maybe 
I’m totally off base. Been testing it for a few months and it seems to work OK, 
but I haven’t done any auditing to see if I’ve broken anything. Anyway, here’s 
what I did and what works for me at the moment. If you go this route, you’ll 
need to comment out the original windows decoder in /var/ossec/etc/decoder.xml 
(and whatever else sysmon-related might have made it in there since last I 
looked; I’m not running the latest beta). I put these in local_decoder.xml:


<decoder name="windows">


        <prematch>^\d\d\d\d \w\w\w \d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d WinEvtLog: |^WinEvtLog: 



<decoder name="windows-defaultlogs">




        <prematch offset="after_parent">^Application: |^Security: |^System: 

        <regex offset="after_parent">^\.+: (\w+)\((\d+)\): (\.+): </regex>

        <regex>(\.+): \.+: (\S+): </regex>

        <order>status, id, extra_data, user, system_name</order>

        <fts>name, location, user, system_name</fts>



<decoder name="windows-sysmon-eventID1">



        <prematch offset="after_parent">^Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational: 

        <regex offset="after_parent">^Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational: 
(\w+)\((\d)\): Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon: SYSTEM: NT AUTHORITY: (\S+): Process 
Create: \.+  ProcessId: \d+  Image: (\.*)  CommandLine: \.*</regex>

        <regex>  User: (\.*)  LogonGuid: \S*  LogonId: \S*  TerminalSessionId: 
\d*  IntegrityLevel: \w*  Hashes: \w+=(\w*)  ParentProcessGuid: \S*  
ParentProcessID: \S*  ParentImage: (\.+)</regex>

        <order>status, id, system_name, dstuser, srcuser, url, extra_data, 




Put this in your local_rules.xml:

<rule id="184600" level="1">



<description>Sysmon Process Launch Event</description>



If you haven’t done so already, it is always helpful to enable logall mode when 
you’re working on new decoders. This will retain a copy of every single log 
line sent to your OSSEC manager. In your ossec.conf on the manager, put 
<logall>yes</logall> in a global tag somewhere and restart the service. You 
will now have a record of all logs sent to the manager, not just those that 
generate alerts. The current day’s archival logs are in 
/var/ossec/logs/archives/archives.log. Note that in order to run these 
particular logs through ossec-logtest, you’ll need to remove a prepended bit of 
text. So, edit a log entry like this:


2016 Jul 29 08:33:17 (hostname)>WinEvtLog 2016 Jul 29 08:36:08 
WinEvtLog: Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational: INFORMATION(1): 
Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon: SYSTEM: NT AUTHORITY: hostname.subdomain.domain.tld: 
Process Create:  UtcTime: 2016-07-29 15:36:08.268  ProcessGuid: 
{A560AB96-77E8-579B-0000-0010B7B17E50}  ProcessId: 50292  Image: C:\Program 
Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\KeePass.exe  CommandLine: "C:\Program Files 
(x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\KeePass.exe"   CurrentDirectory: C:\Program Files 
(x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\  User: domain\username  LogonGuid: 
{A560AB96-40DE-578E-0000-00209886AB02}  LogonId: 0x2AB8698  TerminalSessionId: 
1  IntegrityLevel: Medium  Hashes: 
SHA1=5F5AC91EB83EFB6C4171AFF9EC1ED98EBA1C6A6C  ParentProcessGuid: 
{A560AB96-40E0-578E-0000-0010285AAC02}  ParentProcessId: 7540  ParentImage: 
C:\Windows\explorer.exe  ParentCommandLine: C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE


to become:

2016 Jul 29 08:36:08 WinEvtLog: Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational: 
INFORMATION(1): Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon: SYSTEM: NT AUTHORITY: 
hostname.subdomain.domain.tld: Process Create:  UtcTime: 2016-07-29 
15:36:08.268  ProcessGuid: {A560AB96-77E8-579B-0000-0010B7B17E50}  ProcessId: 
50292  Image: C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\KeePass.exe  
CommandLine: "C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\KeePass.exe"   
CurrentDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\  User: 
domain\username  LogonGuid: {A560AB96-40DE-578E-0000-00209886AB02}  LogonId: 
0x2AB8698  TerminalSessionId: 1  IntegrityLevel: Medium  Hashes: 
SHA1=5F5AC91EB83EFB6C4171AFF9EC1ED98EBA1C6A6C  ParentProcessGuid: 
{A560AB96-40E0-578E-0000-0010285AAC02}  ParentProcessId: 7540  ParentImage: 
C:\Windows\explorer.exe  ParentCommandLine: C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE


before copy/pasting into ossec-logtest. This is the best way to go about 
testing an eventchannel log. You get to see exactly what is decoded and which 
rules are triggered.



From: ossec...@googlegroups.com <mailto:ossec...@googlegroups.com>  
[mailto:ossec...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Craig
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 8:24 PM
To: ossec-list <ossec...@googlegroups.com <mailto:ossec...@googlegroups.com> >
Subject: [ossec-list] eventchannel decoder testing


I am currently running 2.9RC2 on both client and server:


What is the best way to go about testing an eventchannel log? I have the 
following set in my local ossec.conf on my windows agent:







I am using the default sysmon decoder included on my server:


<decoder name="Sysmon-EventID#1">



<regex offset="after_prematch">Image: (\.*) \s*CommandLine: \.* \s*User: (\.*) 
\s*LogonGuid: \S* \s*LogonId: \S* \s*TerminalSessionId: \S* \s*IntegrityLevel: 
\.*HashType: \S* \s*Hash: (\S*) \s*ParentProcessGuid: \S* \s*ParentProcessID: 
\S* \s*ParentImage: (\.*) \s*ParentCommandLine:</regex>




I modified the default sysmon rule so that I would capture all process creates 
by setting the level to 1:


 <rule id="184700" level="1">


  <description>Sysmon - Process Create Event</description>




I would think that i would now see all process creates in my alerts.log but 
unfortunately I don't see any sysmon events at all. Any idea on the best way to 
troubleshoot this? Thank you!




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