Hi Jesus Linares, 
Thanks you for your help. It really work now :). Besides, thanks to your 
guide in enabling ouput to archives.log *<logall>yes</logall>*
, i can understand ouput event clearly :). I've found the command getting 
<title> tag more exactly, I hope it can help the others getting the same 

>     <log_format>full_command</log_format>
>     <command>wget -qO- 'http://siteA.com/' | perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 
> if /\<title.*?>\s*(.*?)\s*\<\/title/si' | sha1sum</command>
>     <frequency>300</frequency>
>   </localfile>  

Anyway, my problems already solve, thanks you Jesus Linares :D.
- Have a good day -

Vào 18:37:18 UTC+7 Thứ Sáu, ngày 12 tháng 8 năm 2016, Jesus Linares đã viết:
> Hi,
> I forgot it, you have to enable the output to archives.log. So, in global 
> section of your ossec.conf add:
> <logall>yes</logall>
> You will see all the events that OSSEC is receiving in archives.log and 
> the alerts in alerts.log (only some events generate alerts). It is a good 
> way to debug what is happening.
> Anyway, the problem is with your rules.
> Events:
> ossec: output: 'curl http\\//siteA.com/ | grep title | 
> sha1sum':\nda39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709  -
> ossec: output: 'curl http\\//siteB.com/ *|* grep title | 
> sha1sum':\n4eb7d4cc1b4bf5a7aff57b0502e091944d3e4252  -
> Rules:
> <match>ossec: output: 'curl http://siteA.com/ | grep title | 
> sha1sum</match>
> <match>ossec: output: 'curl http://siteB.com/ | grep title | 
> sha1sum</match>
> You want to capture the pipe (I) of your command with the match 
> expression, but inside <match> a pipe means "OR". So, you are saying: match 
> "ossec: output: 'curl http://siteA.com/ or grep title or sha1sum". That 
> is the reason that SiteB event matches with the rule for SiteA.
> Simplify your match:
> <rule id="100001" level="10">
>    <if_sid>530</if_sid>
>    <match>siteA.com</match>
>    <check_diff /> 
>    <description>Change detected on http://siteA.com/.</description>
>  </rule>
>  <rule id="100002" level="10">
>    <if_sid>530</if_sid>
>    <match>siteB.com</match>
>    <check_diff /> 
>    <description>Change detected on http://siteB.com/.</description>
>  </rule>  
> It should work.
> Regards.
> On Friday, August 12, 2016 at 11:41:21 AM UTC+2, Trần Khoa wrote:
>> Hi Jesus Linares,
>> Thanks you for responsing my stack :). I've check 
>> */var/ossec/logs/archives/archives.log 
>> *and there is nothing in there, i mean there is no character in the log. 
>> I've also review my rules, and there isn't any errors :(.
>> I've read documents about *Localfile *using *full_command* and found this
>> full_command
>>> This format will be the output from the command (as run by root) defined 
>>> by command 
>>> <http://ossec-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/manual/monitoring/index.html#command>.
>>> The entire output will be treated as a *single log*.
>> So, does the second results of *full_command *overwrited the first 
>> command results? Or are my rules wrong in logical?
>> Here is my log generated in *alert.jsons:*
>> {"rule":{"level":3,"comment":"Change detected on *http://siteA.com/ 
>>> <http://siteA.com/>*.","sidid":100001,"firedtimes":7,"groups":["local","syslog"]},"full_log":"ossec:
>>> output: 'curl *http\\//siteA.com/* | grep title | 
>>> sha1sum':\n*da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 
>>>  -*","decoder":{"name":"ossec"},"hostname":"mx","timestamp":"2016 Aug 
>>> 12 16:26:34","location":"curl *http\\//siteA.com/* | grep title | 
>>> sha1sum"}
>>> {"rule":{"level":3,"comment":"Change detected on *http://siteA.com/ 
>>> <http://siteA.com/>*.","sidid":100001,"firedtimes":8,"groups":["local","syslog"]},"full_log":"ossec:
>>> output: 'curl *http\\//siteB.com* | grep title | 
>>> sha1sum':\n*4eb7d4cc1b4bf5a7aff57b0502e091944d3e4252 
>>>  -*","decoder":{"name":"ossec"},"hostname":"mx","timestamp":"2016 Aug 
>>> 12 16:26:34","location":"curl *http\\//siteB.com* | grep title | 
>>> sha1sum"}
>>> {"rule":{"level":3,"comment":"Change detected on *http://siteA.com/ 
>>> <http://siteA.com/>*.","sidid":100001,"firedtimes":9,"groups":["local","syslog"]},"full_log":"ossec:
>>> output: 'curl *http\\//siteA.com/* | grep title | 
>>> sha1sum':\n*da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 
>>>  -*","decoder":{"name":"ossec"},"hostname":"mx","timestamp":"2016 Aug 
>>> 12 16:26:38","location":"curl *http\\//siteA.com/* | grep title | 
>>> sha1sum"}
>>> {"rule":{"level":3,"comment":"Change detected on *http://siteA.com/ 
>>> <http://siteA.com/>*.","sidid":100001,"firedtimes":10,"groups":["local","syslog"]},"full_log":"ossec:
>>> output: 'curl *http\\//siteB.com* | grep title | 
>>> sha1sum':\n*4eb7d4cc1b4bf5a7aff57b0502e091944d3e4252 
>>>  -*","decoder":{"name":"ossec"},"hostname":"mx","timestamp":"2016 Aug 
>>> 12 16:26:38","location":"curl  *http\\//siteB.com* | grep title | 
>>> sha1sum"}
>> Thanks you 
>> - Have a good day -
>> Vào 15:51:49 UTC+7 Thứ Tư, ngày 10 tháng 8 năm 2016, Jesus Linares đã 
>> viết:
>>> Hi,
>>> review the event generated with the command in 
>>> /var/ossec/logs/archives/archives.log. Then, use the binary 
>>> /var/ossec/bin/ossec-logtest to review your rules.
>>> Regards.
>>> On Tuesday, August 9, 2016 at 11:18:10 AM UTC+2, Trần Khoa wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone, 
>>>> I have followed detecting deface website technique from 
>>>> blog.rootshell.be 
>>>> <https://blog.rootshell.be/2011/10/25/detecting-defaced-websites-with-ossec/>
>>>> .
>>>> I have used this technique for 2 different domains, but the first rule 
>>>> is always triggered. 
>>>> I dont know if i'm wrong in configuration rule or there can not be any 
>>>> solution to check 2 sites at the same time?
>>>> Here is my configure of OSSEC:
>>>> In my ossec.conf, i've added 2 *<localfile>* with 2 different domains:
>>>>>   <localfile>
>>>>>     <log_format>full_command</log_format>
>>>>>     <command>curl http://siteA.com/ | grep title | sha1sum</command>
>>>>>     <frequency>5</frequency>
>>>>>   </localfile>
>>>>>   <localfile>
>>>>>     <log_format>full_command</log_format>
>>>>>     <command>curl http://siteB.com/ | grep title | sha1sum</command>
>>>>>     <frequency>5</frequency>
>>>>>   </localfile>
>>>> And in Local_rules, i've defined 2 rules in the one group:
>>>>   <rule id="100001" level="10">
>>>>>     <if_sid>530</if_sid>
>>>>>     <match>ossec: output: 'curl http://siteA.com/ | grep title | 
>>>>> sha1sum</match>
>>>>>     <check_diff /> 
>>>>>     <description>Change detected on http://siteA.com/.</description>
>>>>>   </rule>
>>>>>   <rule id="100002" level="10">
>>>>>     <if_sid>530</if_sid>
>>>>>     <match>ossec: output: 'curl http://siteB.com/ | grep title | 
>>>>> sha1sum</match>
>>>>>     <check_diff /> 
>>>>>     <description>Change detected on http://siteB.com/.</description>
>>>>>   </rule>  
>>>> Thanks you


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