
Having fiddled perhaps a bit too much with the setup of OSSEC, my active 
responses on my server stopped working last night, and I'm unable to 
pinpoint the problem.I unfortunately, even with debug enabled, see any 
errors in ossec.log, and I'm quite unsure how to go about debugging this.

If I, on the server look at the available active responses I get this:

> agent_control -L 
OSSEC HIDS agent_control. Available active responses: 
Response name: notify-pushbullet0, command: notify-pushbullet.py 
Response name: firewall-honeypot0, command: firewall-honeypot.sh 
Response name: firewall-permaban0, command: firewall-permaban.sh

So far, so good. 

Looking at my list of active agents I get:
> agent_control -l 
OSSEC HIDS agent_control.
 List of available agents: ID: 000, Name: ShadowBUNT (server), IP:
, Active/Local

Now, if I try to trigger an active response on the server, everything looks 
agent_control -u 000 -f notify-pushbullet0 -b
OSSEC HIDS agent_control: Running active response 'notify-pushbullet0' on: 

However, nothing shows up in */var/ossec/logs/active-responses.log*. And 
when I look at *ossec.log*, I find this one:
2016/09/08 16:25:02 ossec-remoted(1320): ERROR: Agent '000' not found.

One possible explanation is that I reinstalled OSSEC and copied over my old 
config, but I suspect I didn't do it 100%, as I had to re-add all the 
agents. Since the server/agent doesn't have the option to remove/add/insert 
key/get key however, I didn't do anything with it. As far as I can tell, 
all other functionality is fine, including alerts. Though I notice that 
alerts on the server are listed with location "localhost" instead of 
"ShadowBUNT", which is the server name. I don't know if that's important.

Since I rather not do another complete reinstall, I was hoping someone 
might know how I can fix this...




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